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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. I'm not sure why but people in Detroit seem to know them well. When the tickets went up for Neil Young most of the people I talked to or heard talking (work, record store, local dive) were more excited about Wilco.
  2. I always wondered who the previous owner of my stunning 1994 Plymouth Voyager was. By the way the front-end needs a lot of work and I have you to thank
  3. 31 here. But #29 is a poorly written question, so I blame them for that one
  4. The best part for me was the album was on a cassette that I found in my car. No label, no nothing. I put it in and it just roared "...in the heart of Texas". I drove around for an hour just to listen.
  5. ...but I love 'em. Another extraordinary voice, beautiful melodies. I just put it on because I hadn't in years and I'm crazy about them.
  6. ... so my hatred for her was renewed.
  7. I used the most amazing picture of the most amazing songwriter I ever stumbled across. The mighty Leadbelly.
  8. That would be enough for me to quit my job and see every show! If there is a just and fair God.
  9. Walked into the kitchen about ten minutes ago and there was my dog, ON the stove, eating a thawing pizza dough. Needless to say, there will be no pizza at my place tonight. I wouldn't even know how to punish her, it was one of the funniest things I ever seen. I have to go clean my stove now, and the dog.
  10. I'd throw a vote in for Garageband as well. Its so amazingly simple. I use it and Logic Express on my Mac and couldn't be happier.
  11. I'm certainly not saying the investment is wise, in fact, the numbers are so enormous I can't really wrap my head around them. I do have a fondness for this city and its terrible to watch all of its people (and those in Dearborn, Livonia, Hamtramck etc), even the ones who don't work for the 3, scared beyond recognition.
  12. If you want to see some truly terrified faces, come and hang out here in Detroit. The line workers, the engineers, the secretaries, everyone is scared. Not only that, but the service industry people are just as worried. Everyone is walking on eggshells. There's also the fact that if these companies go bankrupt you can forget about Detroit ever becoming a vibrant city. It'll make the 1980s look like Disneyland.
  13. I always wondered what happened to that kid.
  14. What would she be using the laptop for? I've had a great experience with the plain old Macbook. Lightweight, superfast, great for creative adventures.
  15. For teenagers I would go with "The In Laws". With Peter Falk. (Not that awful remake). Maybe my favorite movie.
  16. After reading all the posts in the favorite Dylan album thread, I started thinking of which individual lines were my favorites. My topper is "...and when she died it came to me, I can't help it if I'm lucky". Tomorrow it'll be different I'm sure.
  17. Is it tacky that I haven't taken down my Obama yard sign?
  18. Blinking Lights is a good place to start.
  19. That's a one/two punch! Great records to start with.
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