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Everything posted by napoleon

  1. hahahah i think about that everytime i make a post. it takes atleast 3 days before some posts again after me.
  2. is it just me or does john look like a 60 year old woman in that picture the site?
  3. yeah they used to have video up of it on the website. does anyone have that by any chance?
  4. lets start a petition to get it released. (i bet all of you got excited at the tread title thinking it was going to be released.
  5. i figured they'd sound a little poppier with marr in there now but i think they're still on the path that they went on with good news and i wasn't too big a fan of that path. i thought good news was a good album, i liked the songs. but its just not how i like my modest mouse. i love johnny marr though. him joining modest mouse was the best thing that happened last year.
  6. if they would just bring anna back like i've been asking for then all would be well! i'd have like 20 tvs on just to see her. that would do something to the ratings.
  7. i hate to say this, but i love the oc. i'm really going to miss it.
  8. i think you blow fucking donkey dick. whats wrong with you for not comprehending the fact its an opinion.
  9. i love billy. i thought his solo album was great, especially the beegees cover. i've got conor oberst on my list, even though he's been said to be the next dylan, everyone i know hates him.
  10. i don't think i've ever listened to an album all the way through. i'm terrible about listening to what i want to listen to and not finishing it.
  11. In Diana Jones and the Temple of Poon
  12. fleetwood mac 4 lyfe! get blackout by the asian-kung fu generation.
  13. solace, sing the back in time song again. do it. do it.
  14. great scott, thats a brilliant idea!
  15. my mom has almost every beatles and elvis album........... and they all have hearts drawn over them. i'm trying to convince her and my dad to sell all their old albums because they just sit in the basement. i'm sure alot of them are worth quite a little bit of money.
  16. its an fun cover, i like his voice.
  17. that would be incredible if it was close to being there. i think i'm going to stop listening to the new songs until the album comes out so i can be suprised. and may i say, i was a little harsh about those two songs earlier... but i also think they have had some great new songs like is that the thanks i get, walken, lets fight, theres a light, impossible germany (which gets sicker and sicker everytime i listen to it)
  18. people think its weird whenever i have a pair on because i sit there rubbing myself.
  19. this is turning out to be the most exciting season of hockey theres ever been. the new rules have upped the game so much. highlights: shanahan hitting 600... buffalo obliterating the east... predators winning the cup... i pray VC has some hockey fans, because if so i may never log out again.
  20. first we had "let's not get carried away" and now we have "shake it off"......now let me ask, is it bad the blisters are playing better than wilco is?
  21. is the rock version of sunken treasure more like the album version? or is it something different?
  22. even though i won't be there, how about some christmas music? maybe some rudolph after political science? haha
  23. i'm hoping for a video ipod. i can't stand only being able to put 4 gigs of music on my ipod. i need a new hockey stick too. and a job.
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