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About anthony

  • Rank
    One Wing
  • Birthday 01/14/1974

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  • Location
    Orange County

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  1. Of all the JT/Wilco shows I have been to, this may have been my favorite. I can die happy now seeing Mountain Bed.
  2. I am old, too. Most of my musical discoveries came from trading cassette tapes in the back of the bus. I still remember very clearly when my friend Steve handed me Led Zeppelin IV on the way to an away game across town and said, "check this one, man". In the early 00's, I had a job where I drove a lot and signed up for XM Radio. I had lot of discoveries during this time, as well (including Wilco).
  3. I was able to get Largo tickets. Any other socal VCers?
  4. After missing the last couple of SoCal JT shows, really hoping I can grab some Largo Tix.
  5. I heard Wilco on terrestrial radio for the first time this past week (the first time that I recall, at least). Heard I Can't Stand It on 88.5 FM here in So Cal. For any other SoCalers within earshot, it is a pretty darn good station playing an eclectic mix of older / good / deep tracks, as well as, current good stuff. For example, heard Visions of Johanna, St Vincent, Don Henley, Hold Steady just to name a few. Seems like a station for someone with Wilco tastes.
  6. I have a giant PDF of tabs I collected. Mostly pre-whole love. Let me know if interested and I can send you a Dropbox link.
  7. I got shut out, as well. Clicked exactly as clocked turned 10 AM and nothing. Saw JT at Largo a few years back; great venue.
  8. I was surprised at how much was recognizable, like the sukierae acoustic and the SG form the AGiB days. Wish I had the disposable cash to the banner J-45.
  9. Here is a recent example that I enjoyed. Radiohead's Exit Music For A Film in HBO's Westworld (spoilers, BTW) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUDHyo7PRWw
  10. I am biased, but I am in the camp that you should learn on acoustic. A stripped down experience to start in order to get a feel for it.
  11. In April, backpacked Hetch Hetchy in Yosemite NP. Here is my favorite photo from that trip. In June, backpacked among the redwoods north of Eureka, California. Here is my favorite photo from that trip. In December, road trip to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium.
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