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Everything posted by anthony

  1. The Big Lebowski might be my favorite movie of all time - and I am not a Bridges fan (generally).
  2. Yes, I have. In fact I actually own the CD (or maybe cassette?). I went thru a huge Beatles and Beatle-related music obsession in the early 1990s where I absorbed everything (even Ringo solo records ...ugggg). We might have to just agree to disagree on this one. BotR doesn't work for me, for whatever reason. I have never been a 'Paul Guy' anyway. I put Lennon and Harrison songs generally above all Paul Beatle tunes, as well. I once made a mixtape for a friend of my favorite Beatle songs and I realized afterwards there were no Paul songs! LOL. Totally unconscious! Of Fab Four solo records, I
  3. There is some truth in this, for sure.
  4. Hmmmmm.... LA or SD? I like the drive to SD better, but I am skeptical about the venue. Hollywood sounds more fun... Hmmmm...
  5. My spouse is ESL and I often listen to music in her native tongue: Mana, Los Trigres Del Norte, Vicente Fernandez come to mind.
  6. What a classic album cover. Needs no introduction. Speaking of LP covers, both the Pulp and Chimera ones are erotic/disturbing at the same time, no?
  7. I can see how someone could grow tired of the Beatles (how many times can you listen to a song before it looses its luster? 20? 80? 244?) and I can also see how someone would grow tired of the over-saturation of the Beatles in our culture ( how many repackages, reissues, shoe commercials, elevator Muzac, movie soundtracks can one person endure?) and I can see how someone would be annoyed with the BabyBoomer obsession with a band that hasn't put out a record in 40 years (considering all the fantastic music put out since; I feel kinda bad for those BBers who say the word "Rocktober" and cran
  8. I think that Maybe I'm Amazed is the only Mc solo/Wings song I like. However, there are several Len solo songs that I like. One or two more than MIA...Jealous Guy for example.
  9. Great story, I think this is why we all love live music and seeing an artist in their prime. Magical moments.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ak0fPHbFpbc
  11. I really enjoyed this one. Unexpected, endearing and entertaining all at once.
  12. I love stephenson. I plowed thru The Baroque Cycle and its pre/se-quel Crytonomicon. Long but very rewarding.
  13. Stream here: http://ashesandfire.com/ w/ extra songs (according to email from PAX AM)
  14. I might have to give this a try. I loved Owen Meaney but was luke warm on Hotel NH.
  15. I am sure most people have read it already, but for those who haven't Chuck's piece about Wilco from one of his books is very good (can remember which one; Grrr.). Done around AGiB and worth the read. He is a good writer in general and I suspect the people who like Wilco and visit their message boards would enjoy his sensibilities.
  16. We should all post our dream guitars (might by fun, no?) Here is mine:1952 Gibson Southern Jumbo
  17. Art of Almost: 8/10 I Might: 8/10 Sunloathe: 3/10 Dawned On Me: 7/10 Black Moon: 7/10 Born Alone: 6/10 Open Mind: 4/10 Capitol City: 4/10 Standing O: 4/10 Rising Red Lung: 5/10 Whole Love: 7/10 One Sunday Morning: 10/10
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