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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. NY Times Review From Romance to Carnage “Tempest” (Columbia) Bob Dylan’s voice isn’t getting any prettier. At 71, on his 35th studio album, “Tempest” — and a full 50 years after he released his debut album in 1962 — Mr. Dylan sings in a wheezy rasp that proudly scrapes up against its own flaws. That voice can be almost avuncular, the wry cackle of a codger who still has an eye for the ladies. But it can also be calmly implacable or utterly bleak, and it’s completely believable when Mr. Dylan sings, in “Narrow Way,” “I’m armed to the hilt, and I’m struggling hard/You won’t get ou
  2. that doesnt matter!! President Clinton got blown by Monica!!!
  3. you guys think Presidetn Bush has higher character than President Clinton does?
  4. ^^^^^^^^^^^^HOLY MOTHER OF GODD!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I was just coming in here to discuss this show!! I was 18 first time on the west coast and high as gas. That Iko Iko by itself was close to the most energy ive seen at any show. This was the first and by far the best of the 4 night run and it was just perfect. What a night!!
  5. If you want a show where you dont have to know one song and I PROMISE you will have the time of your life. Theyve been the house band on Broadway for FELA now for three years or something so they must be tighter than Tweedys jeans. Tue Sep 11 — Minneapolis, MN — First Avenue INFO Wed Sep 12 — Milwaukee, WI — Turner Hall INFO Thu Sep 13 — Chicago, IL — Lincoln Hall INFO Fri Sep 14 — Detroit, MI — Majestic Theatre INFO Sat Sep 15 — Cincinnati, OH — Taft Theatre INFO Tue Sep 18 — Toronto, ON — Lee’s Palace INFO Wed Sep 19 — Montreal, QC — Corona Theatre INFO Thu Sep 20 — Boston, MA — Paradise
  6. i still dont get how they keep talking about unemployment when we were bleeding 600K jobs a month in late 08 and 09 and now were adding jobs.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChhcVT9dGdM&feature=share [thread title edited by gogo]
  8. NOONE on this site will agree with this but Travelers and Theives and Save my Soul by Blues Traveler were some insanely great albums with tons of great lyrics and music. Early Phish on here too
  9. Ive been waiting for someone to do another Lily Rosemary and The Jack of Hearts
  10. thats why hes raising the birth certificate issue?? I dont get it but im slow in the head
  11. so one looks like Jim James twin and the other wears a cape just like Jim James. Something tells me Lotti is on the wrong message board! Happy Birthday Jeff!!!
  12. sorry to be such a pan n the azz but i think thjs Joey is about the best live Dylan in alot of years
  13. just the bertha speaks volumes. god damn shame he couldnt stay clean cause he looked so happy when he was!!
  14. I dont know what you w00kies are smoking but Garcia got clean in 89 90?? At least I think he did and Im pretty sure thats about the time of that JGB live release and that shit is top of the line and his voice is prefect.
  15. z thats funny but i like the song. If someone doesnt like "Patient With Me" they must be Republican
  16. as good as it gets. worth the price of admission alone
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