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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. yeah republicans and democrats are just alike George Bush and Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin are just like Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. (((nuts)))
  2. what happened to hummingbird by the way?
  3. When President Bush took office the budget was balanced and the economy was like a freight train. I personally think things have gotten a hell of alot better under this President. In Oct -Dec 08 it was like everyone just threw their hands up and put it all on the incoming administration. NOONE had any answers and we were losing half a million jobs a month.
  4. i thought the scorcese stones flick was pretty damn good.
  5. Its amazing how far to the right the conservative movement has gone since President Obama took office. things that you thought were settled law and taken for granted are now up for debate. especially since the 1990s
  6. you realize he belongs to the republican party right??
  7. "The poor are just fine" Mitt Romney Does that mean he thinks that?
  8. perfectly stated. you think Mitt Romney gives a sh*t about anyone struggling?? He sees that as a personal shortcoming. They should have had more of their fathers money
  9. exactly. i mean if you can say with a straight face that you think republicans are passing these laws as fast as they can write them is because they truly believe there is a crisis of confidence in US elections you truly are lost. I hope when someone goes to vote and cant because of no photo ID they take a seat in the floor right there. whats the republicans answer to all the folks that wont get to vote??? oh wait. thats right. theyre poor and black with no ID so who gives a flying
  10. PUHFUGGINGLEASE!! Lets get back to the voter ID stuff we were talking about last week. What a pantload every single bit of it is. If you think that Republicans are passing Voter ID laws as fast as they can get them on the books so they can protect the integrity of the voting system then thats why youre a conservative.
  11. Jules thinks that schools and roads magically appear out of the ethos. Thats the equivalent to Jules saying us democrats believe businesses cant do anything without government. Noone ever said that.
  12. wasnt Mitt Romney born rich?? Can someone please point me to the characters on the left that mirror the inane garbage that comes out of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and OReilly and even Fox and Friends mouth?? But especially beck and limbaugh and hannity. day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after dayafter day after day after day after day after day after dayafter day after day if you think Bill Maher is the same as those guys well then thats why youre a conservative.
  13. again. all NCAA sanctions are in the future. how could they not be?
  14. Sparky dont give up on the avetts just yet. old Crow couldnt spit shine their boots and every song is totally different. tough to judge any band that you havent heard before in a venue that big. they take some studying like wilco
  15. there was an early version that i thought was much better than the later version.
  16. it was a sing a long more than any other song it seemed to me. i love cville pavilion so much because you can show up whenever and walk down to the front row basically. never seen a bad show there. i think the capacity is more like 5000 though.
  17. one interesting point i heard last night re: the sanctions affecting kids that werent even at the school when it happened. thats the way sanctions always work.
  18. gabe those early versions of spiders are what igrew up on and 10.14 was some epic wilco
  19. young folks that have ridden the subway their whole lives. old folks whos licenses have long since expired. folks with suspended licenses that dont have the $$$ to get a new one yet.
  20. It would be quite simple where I vote. The volunteers are gentle, older folks who are quite trusting. As voters come in, they highlight their info on the roster. I come in, take a quick look at the roll (it wouldn't be that hard to do), pick an unhighlighted name, say I'm that person, and vote. It could become much more systematic and sophisticated. If someone had access to voting history decided to distribute names of registered voters unlikely to vote based upon their voting history and send people out to vote from precinct to precinct. It may sound as paranoid as Panther, but an ID ch
  21. can folks that are for IDs tell me how the fraud would work without an ID? I dont understand??
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