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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. turn around and tell em to shut it
  2. DANG! The Magazine called sunset and Nothingsevergonna..........are so damn good sounding
  3. they gotta play the 4th of July in DC
  4. thanks for that link Via. damn that Say You miss me is so fun sounding
  5. Iswear adult diapers could be an option somewhere like 930 club or Tipitinas especially if you want a drink at a show like me and almost 97. percent of the folks I go to shows with do. But you aint getting back to the front at those venues, especially if youre a male
  6. http://www.glidemagazine.com/hiddentrack/audio-phish-acdc-bag-slave-to-the-traffic-light/#csw_links
  7. you have to pick your moment to go back and once the band is on youre toast. I did this at Tipitinas for the 08 shows. We get there early and ended up on the rail. I pissed in a beer bottle and everything was allgood. You could get to the bar but not the bathroom.
  8. dude i think the energy died because everyones mouth was wide open
  9. i love the fact that someone posted something like this
  10. doesnt the full band do it with harmonica sometimes?? i dont know which version i like better
  11. keep all new songs and mix it up like hell from there. great stuff!
  12. woot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKsQfmLdpIE&feature=player_embedded
  13. is there something weird about this version? like not as quiet or something? i would tell that chatty kathy to SHUT IT
  14. HA! sounds like a 930 club show. sometimes its hard to breathe in there
  15. Who couldnt like Comment? or dont fear the reaper?
  16. noone else wanted to see the return of Hell is Chrome?? LOVE LOVE LOVE this setlist
  17. Yes, I received your letter yesterday (About the time the doorknob broke) When you asked how I was doing Was that some kind of joke? All these people that you mention Yes, I know them, they’re quite lame I had to rearrange their faces And give them all another name Right now I can’t read too good Don’t send me no more letters, no Not unless you mail them From Desolation Row
  18. When she said “Don’t waste your words, they’re just lies” I cried she was deaf
  19. Last night i dreamt the whole night long I woke with a head full of songs i spent the whole day I wrote em down but its a shame Tonight i'll burn the lyrics, cause every chorus was your name
  20. please explain to me how in the hell thats possible?
  21. Fucking ridiculous. Jail should be for those that would cause harm otherwise. Not as some "message". 14 months is MORE than enough for a man like him. If he screws up agian after that then he has time over his head. Whoever handed down the sentence knows nothing about jail and has no soul. Barbaric.
  22. from the grand coolee dammmmmmmmmmmmmn to the capitooooooooooooooooool When nothing is owed or deserved or expected And your life doesn’t change by the man that’s elected If you’re loved by someone, you’re never rejected Decide what to be and go be it
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