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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. Its our turn. Thank You. We have a gorgeous new venue called The National but it may be small for you guys. http://www.thenationalva.com/ The Landmark Theatre (formerly The Mosque) is also a beautiful place. Thats 3200 or so people and might be right. http://www.ci.richmond.va.us/departments/parks/landmark.aspx The National would be awesome though. Two nights like Tipitinas. PLEASE COME. I'll bring at least 20 people. I promise
  2. I just want to be able to stand in the driveway with my short shorts on and wash my car to it PS One Wing is sick. tremendous. like i want them to play it live. that one is a winner.
  3. Are you female?? Can we date?? I made a thread about this about three years ago:) They would kill that song. It would be appropriate with the Nels/Mike Watt connection.
  4. love that guy probably ripped my ticket 40 times or more
  5. So now that the Republicans sent the entire economy into the toilet they want to flush whatever's left? I mean is it even worth talking about?? Every day or two the Republicans have some new stupid fugging clarion call that was brought to their attention by whoever and now all of the sudden they are worried about that subject and know all about it. sit back ladies. whatever The President Elect wants to do about the Big 3 is what we will do. I'll leave the judgement on the facts up to him. The decision making process with input from experts. all i know is republicans should just shut up
  6. Are the freeware WYSIWYG editors doable or should I just spring for Dreamweaver or Front Page?? thanks and I have a few more questions
  7. damn i love this song. perfect for whats going on in my life
  8. AM is a perfect album from beginning to end. every damn song is good. you dummies are high. whats his face that plays guitar saves it for sure. every lick is perfect.
  9. If a Dem was in the White House I wonder if Republicans would be blaming this mess on him/her??
  10. I agree with John McCain.LIEberal do-gooder programs like Social Security should be opened up to the wonder of our perfect free-market system! Why, just gaze with awe at the wonderful job that our perfect free market does administering quality health care to all Americans, and you'll see that the LIEberals are full of it. Tax relief for wealthy Americans and huge multinational corporations is the only way to achieve prosperity for all! All you need to do is look at the poverty numbers, which are rising, and average wages, which are falling, and you'll see the wonderful effects of John McCain a
  11. I've Got a GREAT IDEA!Why don't we eliminate all taxes for rich people, in order to SUPERCHARGE the economy, and borrow the missing money from our BEST FRIENDS in China? And, why don't we move all our manufacturing overseas, so we can buy all the cheap shit from China that we can, with our missing paychecks? After all, revenues SKYROCKET when you cut taxes, right? And, eliminating regulations makes the economy EXPLODE, right? Oh, and outsourcing good-paying American jobs is a HUGE BENEFIT for American consumers, right? Right? We Must PROTECT THE FETUS! - Every fetus is PRECIOUS, you know. I
  12. im going to see them the next time they get anywhere close
  13. Let hear some stories. Sure seems like they would have been fun in their hey day
  14. Palin Billed State for Nights Spent at Home Taxpayers Also Funded Family's Travel By James V. Grimaldi and Karl Vick Washington Post Staff Writers Tuesday, September 9, 2008; A01 ANCHORAGE, Sept. 8 -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a "per diem" allowance intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business. The governor also has charged the state for travel expenses to take her children on official out-of-town missions. And her husband, Todd, has billed the s
  15. didnt like the economy under President Clinton??
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