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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. Hillary Clinton has sponsored 350 bills since Jan 22, 2001, of which 304 haven't made it out of committee (Very Poor) Barack Obama has sponsored 129 bills since Jan 4, 2005, of which 120 haven't made it out of committee (Average) im confused
  2. I'll never understand why people give a flying hell when other people start redundant threads or whatever. It just baffles me.
  3. I went to GMU and lived in Arlington so I know NOVA well. I cant stand Nova outside or Arlington or Alexandria. I love both of those places and Roslyn but anywhere further out is just an absolute nightmare. Every single day. Richmond is great. You can make as much $$$ and the cost of living is half and there is zero traffic. That being said I would still prefer to live in Georgetown or Dupont but Richmond would be a close second.
  4. Alot of folks think DC is crime ridden and dangerous etc.......having lived in the District most of the last ten years i can tell you thats BS. DC has really come around since the early 90s. An unreal transformation. Richmond should start a food festival. SO MANY great neighborhood restaurants and bars etc..........The Fan is such a cool neighborhood and there are enough restaurants for a month straight of unreal meals. Richmond is just old and beautiful.
  5. Richmond Va is the most underrated city in the US besides Washington DC
  6. THEY DID NOT FUGGING VOTE TO ALLOW ANYTHING TO HAPPEN. They voted to give The President the power to make the decision. There was no way they could have voted any different. Think back to 03. With the administrations lies everywhere the whole country thought we should invade. I bet the percent was like 85 or more. i even thought that after the president's 03 state of the union and Im a very proud staunch DEMOCRAT i dont get your point.
  7. What the flying fukk does that have to do with The War in Iraq?
  8. i love AM but i think YHF and AGIB and SBS are better than BT or ST IMO
  9. I know 4000 people that are irreversibly damaged from The President being in office. They're dead. not even close on this one.
  10. I say flip it upside down. I like newer music just because i havent heard it as much. SBS is number one!
  11. So he doesnt respect Hillary anymore but he respects The President??
  12. I saw Obama shaking The Presidents hand. If he shakes his and snubs Hillary he is lost
  13. He did in Summer 06 at Raleigh. It was unreal
  14. How many Americans have died in Iraq this week?? I saw SCREW THAT!! BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW!! NOT ONE MORE AMERICAN SHOULD DIE FOR THIS SHIT
  15. you talking about Bill Clinton the ex president???
  16. What was wrong with Bill Clintons presidency??
  17. BWAH!! I was on Gadiels page alot. That Simple jam in Bittersweet Motel is as good a music as anyone has ever played IMO I thought 98 99 and 00 were allsome.
  18. man you guys wouldnt want to see UT come out loud as hell playing those songs?? I think I would pay 5 grand seriously. I was too stuck up garcia's azz in the early 90s and Im still mad I knew nothing about UT and they played near me many many times.
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