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Everything posted by froggie

  1. put me in the hat for #161
  2. http://users.tpg.com.au/doktormj/kilograms2pounds.htm 163 pounds
  3. i like bob dylan's cover of that song! seriously, the Being There era covers like Colour me impressed and I waan be sedated are awesome.. and JP doing Immigrant song. Also, jeff singing Cock in my pocket was great. the last cover they played was I shall be released, wasnt it?
  4. that i agree on. he's definately the nicest guy in the band that'll spend a bit of time with the fans and talk about everyday stuff apart from music
  5. ah, i get it now.. YHF AGIB SBS
  6. actually, the album officially came out in may 2007, but the song was played at every australian show a month earlier
  7. its the most played song of their catalogue.. I'm the man who loves you is trying to catch up (if tweedy does another solo tour, it may come out in front!)
  8. i'm going to start a facebook group called "people who love Wilco and weigh 74kg appreciation society"... join up if you qualify...
  9. ...apart from a couple of songs he never wants to sing again
  10. i seem to like the ones that no one (as well as me) knows what they mean
  11. > My shirt is black and maroon/burgundy, not black and purple. you're confusing people!
  12. > I'm still waiting for a verification on the recording policy at the venue. The band is cool with it but Tanglewoods > general policy is no recording. If I hear back in time I'll give an update. thanks jeff!. can you please play When you wake up feeling old? seriously, at the melbourne show this year, the same thing was on the tickets and in the venue. i asked the BIG (as in in tall and having lots of muscles) security guy if i could take photos and he shrugged his shoulders and said "yeah if you want" its more of the standard on the ticket printings rather than the bands pol
  13. Bob Dylan - This Old Man! this is brilliant - check out the editing and how its perfectly in sync http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EIADAxTRw4&NR=1
  14. climbers? - thats nothing - they even jump out of aeroplanes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0seawuhBSc
  15. there's a branch down here as well. the phone number is +61 075 74645648 72873893 73738329 124241 9 3562 49439
  16. they didnt mention nudie suits in his fashion sense! as for not singing well, he's singing better than ever these days
  17. i was blown away when the autumn defense did a show during the day before the main wilco one this year. he sounds so great on stage. i wouldnt say rick danko, but he has a damn unique voice which is excellent. i actually prefer his voice over danko's. its a pity they dropped Its just that simple since the AM tour. looks like they came to their senses about his vocals late last year!
  18. i'm in the mood for some Three Stooges tonight.. maybe this one:
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