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Everything posted by froggie

  1. i full on agree. it'll be a fun one to see the whole band do it again.
  2. i havent heard any - apart from the band's name!
  3. congrats! let me know when you're free down here to meet up. just name the day and time. i can meet you at the hotel opposite flagstaff gardens like you said
  4. here are the remains of mine before winter comes and the days all start late...
  5. best wishes chief! come back soon
  6. froggie


    i used to go bike-riding every weekend along the river track. 3 hours there and back. i've become a lazy bastard now but those were great times. even though it was a few kilometers out of the city area, it felt like you're in the country thanks to the trees and atmosphere
  7. i just checked the disk... it is indeed a small snippet of 'Screen Door', i mentioned above. it sounds like a version Wilco played on their AM or maybe the BT tour. jeff usually played it solo on the AM tour. the complete lyrics are posted above if you havent heard the whole song
  8. that could be 'Screen Door', from Uncle tupelo's first album: Down here, where's we're at The weather changes, that's the way it goes Sometimes it snows, when everything's wrong Sometimes it snows, but when it does, it doesn't last long Down here, where we're at All we do is sit out on the porch And play our songs, and nothing's wrong Sometime friends come around, they all sing along Down here, where we're at Everyone is equally poor Down here, we don't care We don't care what happens outside the screen door Down here, where we're at Sweat drips from the tip of your nose You wear loo
  9. the simple answer should be that its good as it was a year ago.... and thats VERY good
  10. we actually know eachother from the amount of gigs i've seen of his!. he got a good question when he was on Q: who wrote the song Mr Uddich Smuddich goes to town? his answer?: "i did" there are DVDs of the duets available here (CD and DVD): http://www.ezydvd.com.au/mech/quicksearch....e&q=rockwiz http://www.jbhifionline.com.au/music/searc...hstring=rockwiz
  11. it is! i've been in the audience a couple of times and watch it every week. its filmed at a bar thats 3 minutes walk down from where wilco played here last year
  12. Better than - John butler trio I'll be delivered - Wallflowers One by one - Wilco Biser Balkanski - Goce Nickolovski Creeping up slowly - Taxiride
  13. > Unlikely enough that Dylan "passed" on looking at them he didnt pass on it. he mentions on Chronicles that he tried to get them, walking through a pool of mud but couldnt get access to them. he then mentioned that bragg/wilco got them later on
  14. some cheap-arse blues compilation right now
  15. bob's reached 100 in the poll and tweedy's on 28
  16. Blood on the tracks and Infidels are well worth getting next
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