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Everything posted by froggie

  1. What i like about you - Romantics
  2. Kaysettes was a "band" that plaed one show in 1999. it was Jeff, Jay and Leroy, each singing some songs. Coffee Creek was an uncle tupelo side project with Tweedy, Farrar and Heidorn. they only played a few shows
  3. anyone wanna trade for a copy of this?. cant do torrents at the mo'
  4. >Jimmy Buffett must be the King of all the one-hit wonders come monday & margaritaville (or howevere you spell it!)! what about Freda Payne - Band of Gold? - nice song
  5. vibes from the land downunder - hope all turns out well
  6. and he brought 'guitar wankery' to a new level!
  7. i didnt like them. the best part of their set was between 2 songs, when someone in the audience yelled out "the comedy festival is down the road". the singer replied "what was that?". the same guy yelled back "you heard me". and that was the end of it. it was just a load of noise to me. I thought that if Wilco kept the same volume (which they did), it'll be a great show (and it was). the singer was such a poser and show off, but they didnt get anywhere. i also noticed that most of their applause came from way back in the venue. it was one of those acts where you think the song is finishing
  8. > I'll always have a soft spot for the first MM Ave album because that was how I discovered Wilco. me too! i dont mind the Bragg stuff at all. California stars was the first song i heard, but the next one that really grabbed me was Way over yonder in the minor key
  9. > In the band's history, I think there's only one of two Australian shows that are available out there. actually, there's 10 that i know of... 2003: melbourne (roadcase and complete audience). sydney. and the big day outs from melbourne and adelaide 2007: melbourne, sydney, brisbane 2008: sydney and melbourne
  10. my photos came out pretty blurry.. i'll post some soon, and vid of jeff after She's a jar
  11. sorry!.. you'll have to make do with some photos and a couple of videos.... coming soom
  12. i think he's staring at me on #16 on that one
  13. dont worry, Airline is a catchy song
  14. nah, no Jeff. apparently he went straight back to the hotel. the others were in a party mood though (especially Pat)
  15. adrian, where you in front of the rail or in the front row with the audience?. i was in front right in front of jeff, also taking lots of photos. there were quite a few photographers in front of the rail some other notes: Shouldn't Be Ashamed - i'm surprised how much of an applause this got as they started it. i would have thought its not that well known. Impossible Germany - jeff spent more time soloing with Pat on this one. he pretty much kept away from Nels the whole tune She's a Jar - this was where jeff did his "why do people keep applauding at that harp solo" thing happened. He'd
  16. > What was the reprimand after She's A Jar? My speakers suck. it was about the harp solo, which anyone could do. there was some girl in the audience cheering after each one. i knew jeff would coment on this cause he kept looking at her. so, i took a movie of it and will post it soon > We gotta have an acuff for the frog. alas, it didnt happen. from memory, he sang a different lyric in Pot kettle black and stared at me as he did it. more info (and photos) soon... tired now. great show all around. the bit about Glenn hitting his balls was funny when when Jeff said americans wou
  17. nice and cold outside the venue now! heard the soundcheck for tonight... they did nothingsevergonnastandinmyway(again), cant stand it and a couple of run throughs of Shake it off
  18. the boys did the instore at 1.15 this afternoon and went for about 45 mins or so. Great show and good to see Pat sing lead in person!. He said they were expecting 5 people to come along but there were about 30 all up. It was very low key. they just sat around and switched between piano, acoustic guitars and bass. Pat played bass on a couple of tunes There were some equipment problems with the PA but that could have been due to trams zooming past outside. I didnt get a setlist but i took a few photos and movies that i'll post in the next day or so. now its time for the big show tonight
  19. ..and i'm about to head into the city in half an hour for Wilco 2008 see ya at 1
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