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Everything posted by froggie

  1. > what haven't they performed since 2000? summerteeth
  2. We've been had needs to return as one of the encore tunes like in 2002/3 with the other rockers
  3. > how have they not performed this live since 2000? at least jeff brings it out often on his solo shows
  4. love them both.... but please bring back When you wake up feeling old
  5. they did No Depression back in 2001
  6. how come BAAB hasnt commented in this thread yet?... we await for his insite!
  7. eppy brzday eric! have a good one!
  8. i can get a 200g jar of coffee for AU$2.50
  9. > WILCO-11-19-2003 Auditorium, Chi-town you mean september listening to the new york sessions for Blood on the tracks
  10. there's a flac version here: http://owlandbear.com/downloads/20050304tw...atrixd1t09.flac
  11. it should be on the right hand side of the screen when you click on your name
  12. i was off my face last night and when the site looked different this morning, i thought i should have stayed in bed
  13. i was 5 mins away when it happened... http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,21923...5013150,00.html the freaky thing is what it says in the news fits me perfectly today "The gunman is described as wearing black jeans and a denim jacket, with short light brown hair" maybe i should keep a low profile
  14. come down here if you want to hear about them non stop on the radio bunch of led zep try-hards
  15. i posted a message on the trading forum here a while back but it looks like the show isnt circulating, unfortunately pick up the change was a one-off for 1999 with the band and say you miss me was rare for that year
  16. > I thought Stirrat and Coomer both joined Uncle Tupelo after the last album, and were there for the final tour?
  17. i jusf got my keyboard fixed, so i can reply now side with seeds, what light and hate it here are my favourites
  18. > There's usually 30 to 45 minutes between acts on the same stage so they wouldn't be playing on the same stage. cool, i cant see wolfmother fans and wilco fans mixing
  19. is wolfmother on the same stage as wilco??. they're listed to be right beforehand... bunch of led zeppelin try-hards wilco better open with a rocker if they are
  20. as long as someone records the Wilco stream, it'll be easy to get a copy from here or other online sites... enjoy the show!
  21. remember those old nokia phones where you can program your own tunes with the special codes?.. well i programmed the main riff of that tune on my avatar for it. for text messages, i programmed that music that used to play in latter day elvis shows as c-c rider was starting
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