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Everything posted by froggie

  1. just look for the huge-arse cat and you cant go wrong
  2. "a lot of people really liked what Wilco used to do, and a lot of people missed it. I never intended to shut them out, and I'm just glad that so many of them came along for the other things we've done" awww!
  3. how did Why would you wanna live sound a few days back?. faithful to the album version or re-arranged??
  4. > Why did the other thread have to be locked? I didn't read most of it you can still read it... just not reply
  5. eppy brzday! :beer pity we missed eachother in sydney in april, even though were at the same pub before the show!. have a good one
  6. the last 2 times bob dylan played in paris, he was forced to take 15 min intermission midway through the set
  7. wind will blooooooooooooowwww and the sun will shine
  8. you got a point there. they were playing The Last Resort at the pub just before - nice song
  9. > "Embarcadaro Skies" that reminds me, i love "The hope I had in a notebook full of white dry pages". with the structure of the song, it doesnt seem like it will fit with it, but jeff still pulls it off
  10. i wouldnt mind an acoustic album with some new tracks and some wilco ones re-done acoustically
  11. those live versions of What light from the middle of last year are really nice (when it was in Bb) feed of man, one by one, hotel arizona and gun are up there for me too
  12. pretty sure it was... i remember from the dvd. must be a typo on wilcobase cause those 2 songs were always coupled together at that time
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