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Everything posted by froggie

  1. you feel a little belch building up in your gut on a quiet morning train, so you let it quietly slip out - instead, it comes out as a loud burp ....... over to you..
  2. its the bootl of the show... can send you a copy if you want (just send me your address again).. comes with this 1995 radio performance slapped on the end: 1995-05-19 Wilco KMTT Studios Seattle, WA 1. Pick Up The Change 2. Wait Up 3. That's Not The Issue 4. Casino Queen 5. Box Full Of Letters 6. Acuff-Rose how to fight lonliness is playing now...
  3. 1998-03-26 Jeff Tweedy Lounge Ax Chicago, IL 1. Pick Up The Change 2. Hesitating Beauty 3. The Auld Triangle 4. One By One 5. Please Tell My Brother 6. Shouldn't Be Ashamed 7. True Love Will Find You In the End 8. I Wish My Baby Was Born 9. Ingrid Bergman 10. When The Roses Bloom Again 11. Casino Queen 12. I'm Into Something Good 13. Candyfloss 14. How To Fight Loneliness 15. She's A Jar 16. Hotel Arizona 17. Reflections On A Crystal Wind 18. I Must Be High 19. Should've Been In Love 20. A Shot In The Arm 21. The Long Cut 22. John Wesley
  4. cool - leroy appreciation thread! dont forget his fingerwork on When you wake up feeling old as well
  5. speaking of hoodoo voodoo, a friend of mine isnt a wilco fan but a big billy bragg fan. so he bought the mermaid avenue albums. he also hated hoodoo.. later on, i showed him the Man in the sand dvd... when he saw the live footage of hoodoo voodoo at the end, he ended up loving the song
  6. i'm still on Lounge ax 2000.... 3 tracks to go (new madrid right now)
  7. now there's a pocket full of wisdom up your sleeve! ... enjoy the show
  8. the music to Outtasite on the 2nd disk (especially the intro), sounds exactly like the theme to sesame street.. actually.. here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/c76wk0
  9. the words "hence" and "thus" really shit me off
  10. aww, that brings back memories of my youth
  11. when i was in sydney in january, bin's on the street were few and far between (terror concerns)... i dont usually toss them on the ground, but having a choice of eating it or putting it in my pocket, i had to flick a few
  12. just woke up, feeling a bit seedy after last night... kicking back listening to bob dylnas Witmark demos.... need to clean the garage out soon
  13. bob dylan's Witmark demos on a lazy sunday morning
  14. what what i've heard/read it'll de damn impossible for it to leak. bob's really keeping it quiet. it'll be interesting on the next tour, since the album comes out during the tour. will he not playing anything at all from the album until the following tour, or will he start playing new songs on the release date
  15. which one?. i instally fell in love with the bonus disk version on YHF but still cant swallow the AGIB one to this day.
  16. we should change the thread title to "which half of being there do you like more?" the sesame street rip-off is in the 2nd half
  17. in that case, I'm Blue (dududgeuydshd)
  18. nah it was the fluoro socks the girls used to wear for a month or so in 1989... depending on the colour, you could spot a person from a mile away
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