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Everything posted by froggie

  1. lost highway and what was the other again??
  2. i like this one: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/
  3. i got em at home.... i'll try and rememer tonight
  4. does that list include solo tweedy shows?. if you count his whole performing career, New Madrid would be up in that list. 45 times with UT according to factorybelt.net and 248 with wilco
  5. yeah i like porridge and fools & horses too, but ronnie seems to do the trick in this show. "are you in there my s-sleeping beauty... err, prince ch-ch-ch-charming out here"
  6. anyone here a fan of Open All Hours??. i've been watching the dvds a lot in the last week since i finally found series 4. its based on a tight-arse, stuttering shopkeeper, his suffering nephew and the nurse with the big bazooka's over the road to which he's engaged to, but doesnt get very far with. g-g-g-g granville... fetch yer cloth
  7. woah, what happened to all wilco all the time?
  8. perfect sunday morning listening...
  9. i can actually picture jay as a wilbury back in the day
  10. nah, i get an earlier one these days. its the one with all the annoying 14 year old school girls. maybe i should let one rip in front of them - that'll guarantee me a seat
  11. i forgot to add (cause i was sober when i lost posted), that i remember the day i bought this on vinyl. i thought that since vinyl can have a slightly different mix, the harp might be a bit easier on the ears - it wasnt though. i was walking out of a video library 8 years ago and i was swinging the plastic bag that had the vinyl in it... hot stuffy day. within 5 minutes, the sunshine turned into a mega thunderstorm i wondeer if that was an omen with themes of the album?
  12. heh, i remember the first time i heard the tune - i thought to myself "hmm, this chick sounds hot" then i saw the video clip
  13. excuse the ignorance, but i just spotted this: --- http://collect.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=78388260 the sonic defense 16 Aug 2006 10:00 PM Rideau St. Ottawa, Ottawa, Cost: Donate what you can A benefit for the Canadian Mental Health Association. the confirmed bands: the sonic defense, the k-settes starring butcher's blind, The cost is 5$ or pay what you can. Please if you can, all proceeds will be going to the Canadian Mental Health Association. Donate what you can, thank you!
  14. what about burping, belching and farting?..... we're not ashamed to do it
  15. if you were in my shoes that day on a crowded train, it'll be in your forever as well
  16. apart from the shrill harmonica, i give it a big
  17. 28 years old.. finishing phd in analytical chemistry see wilco once (jan 26, 2003) discovered them with mermaid avenue and worked backwards from that.. still stuck in that era though
  18. its more polite. speaking of massive fart. about 8 years ago, i had a cold and blocked nose. on the way home, i needed to blow my nose on the train. BLOW BLOW BLOW BLOW BLOW FFFRRRRRTTTTT
  19. i checked my PM's... i still have your address so i'll send it out on monday morning pity about howling bells...
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