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Doug C

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Everything posted by Doug C

  1. I PMed! You have 2!! I was lucky at Ticketmaster again!!
  2. Disappointed? Not in the least. The songs that were played all 3 nights were, with the exception of "Misunderstood" AND "Casino Queen" - 3 nights in a row! Hell yeah!- , songs that you'd expect them to play every night because the people that only attend 1 show want/deserve to hear. The 3 nighters were also excellent songs that no fan in their right mind would mind hearing every night. The setlists were excellent and well varied. No complaints from me and my wife about anything and certainly not the song choices. 3 nights of bliss. Thanks, guys! St. Louis is a fine city. We'll be back.
  3. I am streaming the Riviera show from Roadcase right now during my night school class. No one has yet complained and they are working diligently. I don't know what this says vis a vis the thread but they are all either drop outs from day school going exclusively to night school or day school students making up a credit that they failed. A totally different animal from what I do during the day!
  4. Analogman, I agree. When I first started teaching, the Jr. ROTC had rifles and a rifle range. That lasted until Columbine... You will never see that again. Shite1 I'm late for a faculty meeting!
  5. This is only anecdotal but from my 22 years of teaching high school, I have obviously observed 1000s of teenagers. I disagree that they are dumber. For one thing, this would defy the Flynn effect but mainly it just hasn't been my experience. I definitely believe that students have gotten progressively lazier. When I think of my students from the '86-'87 school year and compare them to my present students, they are clearly different. The number that are willing to put in the effort required to truly learn has declined. The idea that technology providing information immediately plays a role seem
  6. I hope to see you. I found this link on the Pageant's website. It's pretty helpful as far as bars, restaurants etc. in the neighborhood if you're too late for the Halo. Cheers and drive safely. http://ucityloop.com/
  7. Dick Cheney's Guitar Army aka The Go Fuck Yourselves
  8. I got an email from Ticketmaster telling me that the opener was no longer John Doe but Bon Iver and I could get a refund for my tickets if I no longer wanted to attend. You never know about people. It's possible that a major John Doe fan is not happy. No harm in checking Ticketmaster and giving it a shot. I'll bet a pair or two will open up. Good luck.
  9. I just wanted to let everyone know that as much as this sounds, well more accurately reads, like me, it was not me. I am trying to no longer annoy your good-hearted hearts. Also, afterthefact, I am not taking a shot at you. I am more trying to bring some levity. Damn. I droned on again. Maybe I am not trying hard enough...
  10. The Fluorescent Leech and Eddie Oh wait, that's a real one!
  11. Don't remind me!!! My wife was out of town, and in a snitty piss fit, I refused to go alone because she forgot about the show and committed to this business trip. One of my life's regrets. The review in the paper was hard to read.The stupid things we humans do... Seeing my 2 favorite bands on NYE, at the time, S-K and Wilco, was one of our best decisions. Hearing only The Woods tunes during their set made me yearn for the release.
  12. Well, The Carpal Tunnels had about 15 seconds of fame! From "Cool!" to deleted cool in record time!
  13. It had been so long since I had been to s-k.com that I must've put in .net!!! Ha HA! I hadn't been to .net in over a year and forgot about it. I was so excited. What a maroon!!! The .com site is the same old remnants of nothing!1 That is hilarious!! I am inept.
  14. I know that it is a fan site and I have been reading the hell into anything and everything since the hiatus!1 I so totally dig (dug ?) them1 I need more! Lucky you1 I saw them in Atlanta on The Woods tour, plus others including the amazing NYE MSG, but still flog myself for not catching one of those last shows. At least I could listen to the live 9:30 simulcast.
  15. I did a few searches and couldn't find a thread. If I violated duplicate thread protocol, I beg forgiveness. Sleater-Kinney were one of my 5 all-time favorite bands. Since the 'indefinite hiatus', they are now somewhere in the top 10. Thankfully, I can still get new doses of Janet Weiss thunder drumming from listening to the Jicks. I religiously check the S-K site since the hiatus but quit checking a couple of months ago since there was never anything new. Fortunately, I gave it a look last Friday. If you are a fan and haven't been to the site lately, it has been revamped and is worth lookin
  16. My name is Doug and I have 2 dogs. They are on the front porch with me. If they were anymore relaxed, they'd be dead. If I drink another of these 14% ABV Samichlauses that my principal bought me, so will I. Serious propers for abe Vigoda and the fish line.
  17. You said,"Can we officially declare ellsworth the Colonel Flagg of the board?" I replied, "Hmm... I loved MASH. To my memory, though he provided much needed comic relief, he was always an 'unwelcome guest'." Then Phil Parma quoted me and said,"it's up to you. I can totally declare it and make it official." I then told him that I accepted. It seemed as though he was the one with the power to make it so, therefore this thread was to him. Harry Dean, it wasn't you at all. You said, " Col Flagg once watched 300 hours of the Three Stooges without cracking a smile.". This was an interesting MASH ane
  18. Okay. Now I understand. I apologize if I offended anyone. That wasn't even remotely my intent. I don't use that word either. Though I do not need to do so, let me tell you a little about myself. I have worked with gay, lesbian and transgendered youth for over 10 years. For the last 10, I have been doing so as the faculty sponsor of the Gay/Straight Alliance at my school. I co-founded the GSA. We were the first one in my School District. It was somewhat of a major deal as there was quite a bit of resistance to GSAs at the time. There still is. Some schools that try to start a group either can
  19. reported? Reported for what? "paranoid"? No paranoia. I was telling a friend the story about changing my name. He started laughing and said, "You idiot. They are all laughing and calling you Colonel Ellsworth Fag". It sounded plausible. But judging by the lack of hands, I'd say that he was wrong. I was raised to believe that "if you ain't laughin', you ain't livin'". I am glad that talking with my buddy put the thread idea in my head. I got some livin' out of it.
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