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Everything posted by rwrkb

  1. we used to go to sonic all the time when we visited our grandparents in colorado and new mexico. i guess they just built one in my "area" but i'm not driving twenty minutes when there are jack in the box, burger king, mcdonalds, wendy's, etc. within ten minutes
  2. i worked with a guy whose brother works in a pringles plant... some gross stories, man
  3. yeah, and i think that's the way with a lot of crap we ingest, but if it tastes good and doesn't make me sick, i'll keep eating it
  4. honestly, that's the only reason i haven't read it. i know there's a lot of disgusting stuff that goes into what i eat just about anywhere/anything, but it tastes good so i don't want to ruin it
  5. bk's enormous omelette sandwich sounds good right now
  6. frankly i'm somewhat surprised it survived the blowjob diversion
  7. the only thing i'd eat at arby's is the fries. mmm, french fries
  8. my chain of command goes something like this: jack king wendy ronald
  9. of course i know i'm not helping. also, if freud examined me he'd have a massive coronary. my former roommate was a psych grad student and when i told him he should do his big research project on me, he told me it would take a team of psychologists. i've always wanted that in writing.
  10. sometimes, sometimes its more of a long drawn out, relieved "ooohhhhhhh"
  11. i bought that the day it came out. haven't watched it in a while, but i've been trying to convince my wife to watch it with me, she's not a big lips fan though
  12. that's a lesson i re-learn just about every time my wife emails me from work
  13. i'm a big Jam fan, but have failed to even listen to any of weller's solo stuff, but after this thread, i'm definitely gonna give 'em a go
  14. i knew somebody was going to go for it
  15. #200 the funny thing is that one of my best friends/band mate's last name is right behind me at 201
  16. close. if my stumbling attempts to seem intelligent are anywhere close to a weight thing.... crap, maybe there is connection.... k, i'm getting ridiculous now.
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