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Everything posted by rwrkb

  1. wow. that's just ignorance right there. i don't think tweedy is dwelling on anything, he is learning from his life and presenting that learning to an audience that chooses to listen to him. if you don't like it don't listen. if you don't like people who learn from their lives, then i just pity you. also, does this go for people who choose to address political issues using their celebrity to do so? where does it end? why shouldn't they use their time to talk about important things. chances are there are other people who want to hear it and those who don't aren't forced to. i've made a lot of mi
  2. thanks for saying it better than i could have
  3. mellencamp namedrops james brown in r.o.c.k. in the u.know.what.
  4. dylan name drops alicia keys on his latest
  5. snow patrol mention sufjan in that horrible single from their latest album, i thought it was a pretty great namedrop.
  6. yeah, but they could be cubs fans.
  7. happy birthday. hope it's full of good goodness.
  8. that was a wonderful moment when i heard that. i enjoyed a full bodied laugh at the yanks' expense.
  9. this quickly became one of my favorite shows. i think everybody saw the cancellation coming, but i think it's failure was nbc's fault for the way they promoted it, scheduled it, etc. i'll be sorry to see it end.
  10. you were right about "Calvary" np:
  11. trying to refrain from my current song a.d.h.d. now hearing:
  12. going between The Boggs: Forts and Beatnik Filmstars: Boss Disque
  13. my cd is back at home in s. oregon. i can't wait to hear the studio version of the song though
  14. btw, the best moment in the video is when jack covers meg's eyes in one of the segments of them playing.
  15. ahh. it's cool. i had a boot of it i never ended up watching, and then bought the 2disc dvd last week.
  16. the dvd just came out like a week and a half ago
  17. i watched the video this morning before hitting the road, i definitely dug it. they always do fun videos, but this was up there with there best, i think.
  18. i would still love the dvd rip if it's not too much trouble. certainly no hurry though
  19. just found this place: OZPHORIA they seem to have some good stuff.
  20. sort of but not so much really.
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