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Everything posted by rwrkb

  1. as my latin teacher in high school once said of me, "even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then"
  2. wilco has changed pretty much album to album and i'm no longer willing to put that solely on the addition or subtraction of one member. that said i don't have any issues with the current lineup, but then again i've never really had issues with any of them, i think they've all served their purpose (obviously)
  3. were you in oregon? 'cause i worked at a gas station and used to bump me some wilco...
  4. ^^^ that's a good 'un np: (one of my favorite album covers, too)
  5. that's a good neighbor. mine revs his truck engine
  6. it made me sad that wilco was being used as muzak
  7. the best was hearing them played in my favorite bar. the worst was hearing sky blue sky being played in the grocery store a month or so ago
  8. best moment: finally getting to see them live! what made it even better was getting to see them with my wife and hearing them play "On and On and On" (our "song") missed moment: i'm still holding out hope for a wilco punk album
  9. this is more than likely, as their management has been negotiating with a venue in vegas since late january.
  10. there's no way i'm reading all 19 pages of this thread, but i am incredibly intrigued as to how many times mbed has posted in here
  11. all i have to say is that i'm incredibly entertained by this development
  12. i'm gonna have to listen again
  13. happy birthday! all the best on your day
  14. rwrkb

    second look

    but age doesn't always have good taste
  15. rwrkb

    second look

    my nine year old stepson, up to my 55 year old mom are all fans
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