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Everything posted by rwrkb

  1. it's not on the retail, but they put it out for download through a few other sources.
  2. awesome man! it'd be much appreciated oh, and we all blame earl
  3. i can't even pick a favorite album from them, i listen to them all an equal amount, and i love them all. i've really dug the tracks i've heard so far from the upcoming one, though i have to say that the omission of the title track was for the best, it was good but it sounded more like a nine inch nails song than a qotsa track. to me anyway.
  4. do you have the whole thing? gawd, i'm excited it for that and the new white stripes!!
  5. rwrkb

    Apple OSX Users

    that's the one i have on as well
  6. kinda, but only if project greenlight had been on fox.
  7. i have to say i was disappointed they didn't show the videos that got the people on the show in the first place.
  8. rwrkb

    Apple OSX Users

    no prob i'm glad there are few of you who hadn't seen it before
  9. any chance you know where to find these shows?
  10. dude, those downloads weren't working for me. i've now become possessed and am searching my little heart out for other places to download this stuff
  11. my wife's store apparently has a copy of this in stock, i'm gonna have to go take a look.
  12. rwrkb

    Apple OSX Users

    yeah, it seemed like something a lot of people might already know about, but you never know...
  13. wow. i honestly wouldn't have expected that; but it's pretty f-in' cool
  14. i don't know if anyone has posted about this, but i've been meaning to for a while. if you use osx you know what a widget is, and there is actually a cool wilco widget that lists wilco's tour dates on your dashboard and has several different skins to choose from. Wilco Tour Widget
  15. i'll let it slide this time. and i'm good. satiated by mac and cheese. and you?
  16. now's probably a good time to warn you that i am always right.
  17. you're right. i'm not. also, froggie: my randomness cannot be contained by a single thread. however, i am willing to keep this somewhat on topic by saying: i sure love that band wilco. they are fantabulous, if you'd like i could rank the albums alphabetically in chronological order of how many times i've listened to them all the way through without leaving the room.
  18. thanks chief also the bickering is quite fake.
  19. sorry, i have a way of deterring threads into completely random and meaningless diversions.
  20. maybe it's been too long since i've seen it.
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