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Everything posted by rwrkb

  1. i recently inherited an eight year old stepson. he's having story time as we speak (type). are you trying to tell me you don't enjoy my company? well, i never
  2. i thought it was a fitting reply to your previous posts. at least i gave you full credit by wrapping it in teh quotes
  3. i've been told i have that effect.....
  4. get used to it. i'm everywhere. (don't look out your window)......
  5. what'd you call me? this is so the kind of nonsense that endures in the rtt.
  6. i'm actually kinda surprised it wasn't a montage of chuck norris.
  7. we're luring you in with a false sense of security. just kidding. or am i?
  8. trying to explain the rtt and vc in general to my wife i said, "it's like having a bunch of friends i don't have to hang out with in person"
  9. thanks! haha. i have a punk band and i often get accused of not being "punk" enough, and then when i play solo, i hear that i'm too punk. i guess you can't ever stray from the projection of appearance. the rtt, is a random thread. that's where i've gotten a chance to get to know people beyond the music discussions, etc. the pinned one is generally what people flock to, right now it's called "SBS's own..." anyway, if you feel like going to beyond the more theme-designated threads it's a good way to talk about completely random stuff with some very entertaining folks.
  10. i'm not sure how i wouldn't look like someone who enjoys passion and art. but it's cool. i've gone out of my way to introduce everyone i know to teh wilco. they've been a huge influence on me and my own music. if you're feeling loopy sometime hunt down the rtt in the "umm" section.
  11. welcome to the land of the weird and wonderful. also waiting for my preorder. i wonder how many threads i can whine about that in
  12. good luck! i basically wrote a lit. thesis on the harlem renaissance (specifically on how langston hughes' work reflected the dichotomy between the dubois and washington schools of thought), so it doesn't sound like that book would tell me anything new, but i always enjoy that period. i like the idea of using art to cement your place in life, and during that era it was being used to define an entire group.
  13. is that good? that's one of my favorite eras of writing and art in general
  14. same here. i want it nowwwwwwww.
  15. finally getting to this
  16. i'm a big fan of that song. but i think we all know it's gonna be "What Light"
  17. my new wife and i are considering heading to this as a belated honeymoon
  18. i loved the first two. i thought this one was absolutely horrid. like a dr. phil episode about emo kid superheros who like saturday night fever. they should have never let raimi write the script, apparently.
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