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Everything posted by rwrkb

  1. that reminds me how happy i am to not have a boss. sorry to rub it in....
  2. oh, i am big fan. can't wait to hear it... didn't know it had leaked... hmm....
  3. oh, don't get me wrong, i don't care if people get it or not. i'm just surprised when they don't.
  4. for me it's more a matter of being stunned when people can't appreciate something that seems so obviously amazing to me. other than that i don't care what critics think, it certainly doesn't effect my feelings about something. it is just a feeling of "woah, i can't believe they don't get it" however, that is a feeling i get a lot about a lot of things regarding a lot of people so c'est la vie.
  5. 3 oscars. probably some other stuff too...
  6. wait... we're talking about The National right? goth? what?
  7. just bought this the other day without ever having seen it and i thought it was absolutely spectacular when we watched it. i've been dying to turn around and watch it with the commentrary. btw, it's labyrinth
  8. yeaaaaaah about that. how about when either my album, band's album, or first novel comes out (which ever happens first) i'll send you a copy?
  9. wow, i got talked about to real people? i never said anything negative. and i totally told my wife all about the new guy on the wilco board. sorry. really. how can i make it up to you, beyond rectifying things and calling you the new girl on the board.
  10. you're quick to forgive. i guess while i'm at it, i may as well apologize for referring to you as the 'new guy' in my brain for the last several days.
  11. i didn't threaten, but after you threatened me, i implied physical force. and i am now repentant.
  12. as long as it's friendly. i hate unfriendly kisses. also, now i feel bad about implying the use of physical force should we have a confrontation.
  13. never really thought about it. sorry. but walken said he, so i just went along with it. also, the only reason you know i'm a guy is because you saw my myspace.
  14. i would be surprised if wilco was playing someplace where that was much of a threat. and if it did happen, i'd buy him a drink to make up for it.
  15. that's something i could probably get behind.
  16. well i'm only 5'7" but i'm kinda solid.
  17. when i was twelve i wrote a parody of "Lump" by The Presidents of the United States of America.
  18. no. they are secretly plotting against you. i'm being open about it.
  19. i'm trying to imagine how you'd manage to accomplish that.
  20. you're right. 53 1/2 would be much better.
  21. is that like laughing at your own joke? just wondering....
  22. woah there, dubledubya. just woah.
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