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Everything posted by entropy

  1. Cause if not, I'm ordering the bitch as soon as possible. Just thought I'd check with you fine folks first.
  2. Everytime someone writes "JT" I think Justin Timberlake. I don't think that makes me a bad person.
  3. I played soccer there two weeks ago with a basketball I stole from the Steamwhistle brewery! Look in the pit, it may still be there!
  4. I have a friend with a Foucault t-shirt and everyone thinks it's Ghandi.
  5. Hey, this doesn't seem to be working for me-- Can anyone YSI this or something for me? I hate to be a pain, but for some reason my download just won't start. I'll find another way to host it, or help out some other way.
  6. ...that dude made that movie about.
  7. ...is not nearly as fun to eat as it is to listen to.
  8. ...made me man up and start playing lead guitar.
  9. Also, Melissa McLelland and Luke Doucet were in the restaurant across the street. I'm assuming they were inside the show, but couldn't be certain. Does anyone outside of Canada know either of them? Just in case: Luke: http://www.myspace.com/lukedoucet Melissa: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=35787824
  10. I am so, so bad for going on message boards right before I go to bed. Something about drinking makes me think "Oh man, do I have something to say about THAT!", only usually people have abandoned me far before I reach that point and I turn to the internet. Yeah. With me, it happens significantly more than "not very often." Whoopsie.
  11. I thought mine was okay. I was making fun of the inappropriateness. Sorry.
  12. I always wonder about that sort of thing, particularly how wives / husbands feel about their loved ones playing romancey in videos, or, to a greater extent, movies or shows that involve all sorts of makeouts and the like. I mean, it's perfectly reasonable that someone would get over it and have the whole "Oh, it's their job," reasoning to fall back on, but even still. Maybe I just lack heavily in the imagination department.
  13. I'm beginning to think there were no tapers at this show...
  14. Dear Jeff Tweedy; Please start a clothing line. KTHX.
  15. While I've seen these a couple times, I never commented on them... 1) I love how Wilco songs never seem dated while listening to them, and yet this horrible, horrible testament... 2) Don't these just prove to everyone that the record label really didn't have any idea who they were "pitching" Wilco too at the time? I mean honestly. "Hey everyone! Bands need to look like they're having fun! Get in a plane guys! Bands are extreme! Jump out! This'll be awesome!" 3) I've never seen more poetic lyrics (Shot In The Arm) so horribly, horribly illustrated. Some things are meant to be ambiguous and b
  16. Oh, I'll be rushing that bitch. I'll be rushing that bitch good.
  17. When I say "elaborate," I mean it as part of a phrase I utter frequently. Whoops.Yeah, I'm not going to go bust a cap or anything. Some of the Chicago show first row seats were auctioned off for charity-- maybe something like that happened, or maybe they're just planning on spraying the audience with fake blood Gwar style.Either way, it's gonna be awesome. Still wish it wasn't so lame though. You took my seats! Don't lie to me!
  18. Yeah, I'm just concentrating on being happy that I'll be at the show.
  19. Oh, I'll be there early. But no. Old tickets were never shipped. Sigh.
  20. Please tell me this is some elaborate, mean spirited joke.
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