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Everything posted by entropy

  1. Hey Guys, The lack of an update is due to nothing being resolved. I spoke to a very helpful, friendly dude at Music Today who apologized sincerly for the fact I was moved, but was told it was entirely due to the promoter contacting them. After speaking to Massey Hall, I got the same answer, with the added information of "No, nothing is being physically reconfigured unless we haven't heard about it yet," and having been to Massey a number of times, picturing how they'd possibly reconfigure the venue or stage setup really doesn't make sense. House of Blues was named as the promoter in this
  2. I don't think I'd have the fortitude to not. But then again, it'd probably cause me to go crazy and smash every guitar I owned.
  3. I dig it. Should've been a June record over an August-- I don't wanna listen to this bitch in the fall, I want it now, top down, backyard BBQ style.
  4. Will you ever draw a face on your stomach and make it talk again?
  5. I... was.... clearly being serious.
  6. My submission: omfg JEff, how are you SO awesome?/
  7. Hey Everyone, Thanks alot, the very least for at least validating the strangling I want to put on someone. I'm going to get my tele-screaming on now, so I'll update for the other Massey people once I know what the deal is.
  8. I try and make it a habit of not posting on the internet when I'm about to partake in a murderous rampage, but I thought if anyone would understand it's the people in this forum.
  9. Gee. Thanks guys, for taking my wonderful, Front Row, Dead Center seats and bumping me back 11 rows with obstructed view with absolutely no notice whatsoever. I know it won't do any good, and I know I'm just going to end up making whatever man or woman unlucky enough to pick up the phone cry, but goddammit, heads are going to roll. ROLL. Everyone attending the Massey date should watch their email boxes. Absolutely furious. And yes, I know, I should be happy just to be seeing them, yes yes, all of that, but C'mon. I feel like I'm well within my right to be as angry as I am right now.
  10. God, I wish they had Sonic up here in Canada. Catching the American commercials is enough to make me want to make a run directly for the boarder and set up shop across from one of those bitches. Do you honestly get to choose from like, five thousand types of soda? Even BLUE?
  11. I'm glad this idea is taking off. Any idea where we should go that has both ice cream and onion rings? Places that have both those items shouldn't be as rare as they are.
  12. I say we all just put this behind us and go out for ice cream.
  13. Dead center of the pack. I's movin' on up.
  14. I'll bet you posers didn't even purchase More Like The Moon and the AGIB ep. POSERRSSSS
  16. This thread has too many emoticons.
  17. He better be concerned with his prostate, what with his head pressed up so far in there and rubbing against it.
  18. That's what I'm banking on. I can't wait for the setlists to start pouring in.
  19. I still can't get behind that song. I've even started to like Shake it Off.
  20. I predict all of us recieving the tickets at exactly the same time, and the force of the resulting joygasm being enough to rename the Rogers Centre the Skydome.
  21. Hey Fella, I made a post about this a little while ago, and people reassured me that last time, and times before that, tickets arrive within two weeks of the concert date. I was worried too, but I'd say hold off on the panic until it's the 20th or so. Where are your seats? I'll be the guy screaming.
  22. Does anyone remember when Taco Bell was going to give everyone free tacos if the falling satellite landed on that floating tarp they randomly threw in the ocean? Damn. I wish that happened.
  23. I like this forum. At first I was a bit frustrated by the divisions, but I realized after it made perfect sense with the relatively large number of users (comparitively to what I was used to at least.)
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