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Everything posted by DAngerer09

  1. Any Reds fans out there? Signing Francisco Cordero is HUGE. Now we can move Weathers back to his mid-relief/setup role, along with Burton and Bray. The bullpen is actually looking decent. Hopefully we can move Freel and his money to free up some more salary for another pitcher.
  2. I don't know. There is this place in Athens, $3.75 Chinese, where you get any 3 entrees and it is set up fast food style. It is comparably to anything I've had at a sit down place.
  3. Solo Spiders is so good. It is like a completely different song.
  4. It is so good. Chunky, meaty chili with mozzarella and mushrooms. Perfect.
  5. Anyone here ever had Subby's? It is Dayton based, so I don't think there are many locations outside of the area. One of their subs and their chili (must add cheese and mushrooms) makes a monstrous meal.
  6. Pursuit of Happiness pt. I- Southeast Engine Pot Kettle Black- Wilco Little Chief- Phonograph Videotape- Radiohead Start a War- THe National
  7. I don't see why so many people wouldn't want to see it. It would still be a super talented band, with 3 people capable of singing lead or harmonizing.
  8. has anyone ever had Krystal? I've heard terrible things, like worse than White Castle...
  9. Man, I would DEFINITELY see them. I'm not taking away anything from Jeff, but everyone in Wilco has projects outside of Wilco and they would all be very capable of putting together a good show. Pat, John and Mike are all great singers. Forget the Uncle Tupelo stuff without Jeff...they could play Autumn Defense songs, they could play some stuff from Mike's band Pronto, they could play some rockin' or more experimental instrumentals, or they could play new stuff that they come up with as a group. They would never stay together without Jeff, but if they did, it would be a band capable of doing
  10. Yeah, anytime you hit semi-urban areas along big highways, about a million fast food places start popping up. It really takes away from whatever natural beauty may be present. I know the spot you are talking about on 75. It is just north of Dayton and for a few miles it seems like all you see on the side of the road are restaurants.
  11. Anytime someone says "Rally's," I immediately think of those old commercials they used to have where the guy working the counter or drive through used to say CHAAAAA CHIIIIIING. The commercial Just found out Seth Green is the guy in the ad.
  12. McDonald's Chicken Selects -10 piece: 1,510 calories, 81 fat grams, 4,090 mg sodium Motorik- that's the most depressed looking "mascot" I've ever seen.
  13. Fast Food Ads vs The Real Thing Whopper Ad Whopper
  14. I remember being little and seeing fast food advertisements on TV and in the newspaper or whatever, and then going to the place and being sorely disappointed with what it looked like in person.
  15. I've never been to IN-N-OUT, but I've heard great things.
  16. Wendy's has the best burgers and I think their fries beat the pants off McDonald's. McD's fries are the most overrated thing ever.
  17. I know there are tons of good places out there, but I tried to stick with the huge ones that everyone knows of.
  18. shoot, I totally forgot about Burger King. oops. EDIT- BK has been added
  19. I eat healthy, but every once in a while, this crap tastes so good. I tried to pick the major chains and these were also the top for in some poll I read about the most popular fast food chains. I know there are tons and tons of regional and local joints, but I stuck with the biggies for the poll. Discuss...
  20. I didn't touch the dimensions, but here is one that shows him in all his enormity:
  21. Mangino for coach of the year! I'm not a Kansas fan at all, but I hope they prove everyone wrong and run the table.
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