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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. some days it just sucks to be in the northern hemisphere...
  2. So, I don't particularly hate the Eagles... I thought they were pretty good back in the day, and I still think their sound was (is) an important branch in what we all know and love today about rock music. Put another way, I won't change the station if I hear them on the radio. But I was pretty offended when I saw the announcement of the "history of the Eagles" tour, to coincide with their documentary. It starts in Louisville, and all lower arena tickets are $195. Seriously??
  3. the guy who did that opening little bass line in the theme from Barney Miller
  4. Well, the intro did promise to reveal a "dirty little secret" about the author...
  5. I always figured Lotti to be a guy. Not sure why now that I think of it. Do we know this to be factual?
  6. Downloaded it... it's good. PM sent. Congratulations
  7. Always nice to see the Wilco shout out...
  8. The back half is definitely stronger than the front for me.
  9. thanks... interesting. can't be too many of those floating around out there.
  10. +1... that was cool. I know less than zero about guitars and such, but here's a question for you all. When there's a "1959 Jazzmaster" or a "1967 Gibson thisandthat" or whatever, does it mean that it's really a vintage / antique instrument? Is Nels playing a 50+ year old instrument, or is it a more recently made instrument of the 1959 design? Same with Jeff and all the other ones we see. How does that all work? thanks...
  11. Pretty much +1 for me. I'm about halfway through spin #2 and nothing is grabbing me yet. I liked eraser well enough (in spots) but this one will need some more time or something.
  12. I liked it. It was kind of like a really, really good cover version in that it brought out things I hadn't heard or paid much attention to in the original. I love the album itself so the combination of familiarity and newness was nice. The weirdness of the original was kinda fresh again. "Trippy" is a good term. Worth a good listen with headphones or earbuds.
  13. there's a bit of the recording here https://soundcloud.com/rc428/side-1-x-100
  14. Wilco on my 50th birthday in Rochester NY, including "When You Wake Up Feeling Old". I also discovered I share a birthday with Stan. Cool stuff. Andrew Bird here in Lexington. Snuck into sound check and really enjoyed seeing that side of things. Springsteen's tour opener in Atlanta. Wow. Jeff Tweedy solo at the Vic. Which immediately followed Kentucky beating Louisville in the final four that me, my wife, SonicShoulder and his buddy all watched in a bar down the street from the Vic and then dashed to the show just in time. A truly fabulous evening. Radiohead in Cinci. Those guys
  15. I'm having a little trouble visualizing (audiolizing?) the Stipe selection on Wed.
  16. Dave Matthews Band. First time to take all 3 kids. Not exactly youngsters, 17,18,20... the 18YO's first concert. He's not as much into music as the other two (or me), and he's really excited about this one. Should be fun. My first "jam band" show, not counting Wilco of course.
  17. Not a great interview (Dave seems to take forever to ask a question that shouldn't take quite that long), but JPJ is one funny smartass dude.
  18. Somebody needs to tell Ira that sentence length does not equal journalistic quality. That was painful.
  19. Radiohead - Electioneering. Real, real loud.
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