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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. Well, at least this is way easier than remembering that first album... Bad Company, 78 I think, right after Desolation Angels and Rock n Roll Fantasy came out. Roberts Stadium in Evansville, IN.
  2. It's the one Wilco song that will almost always make me just pause whatever I'm doing and listen to it and absorb it all. More often that not, I'll hit replay to listen to it again whenever I hear it. Listening to it with headphones on a long plane ride or even just in the car is always a very peaceful and "settling" experience for me. None of the other mellow Wilco songs do that for me in the same way.
  3. so, can you actually get your car into the garage now? or was that not the goal...?
  4. Ironic that a thread about a lullaby digressed into a spat over hyphen envy
  5. There's a nice live version from night 3 of the residency. Jeff introduces it as a lullaby as the closer of their main set. I always liked it on Summerteeth.
  6. I think that VC live in its current form is the most emotionally charged performance of a song that I have ever heard, and I absolutely love it. Maybe it can get better with some revamping, but I don't see how. It's a religious experience for me. Watching John and Jeff just strum and sing through the chaos side by side while Glen and Nels convulse in sound is amazing. Put me down as a "no" on changing this one. I was a little lukewarm on the new Spiders. I like Jeff's solo acoustic version, so I liked the start of the the new full-band version, but after that it all seemed a little piec
  7. And it worked!! Well, that's the story I'm going with, anyway. They probably wouldn't have played it if it was "just" Stan's birthday.
  8. Really nice venue, and a delightful show as always. Finding out that Stan and I share a birthday was a treat, and I wished him a happy birthday on my way out. Favorite moment was hearing the "edgy" (Jeff's adjective) When You Wake Up Feeling Old. The park was really a great place to see Wilco. The areas around the edges were laid back and easy to grab a blanket or lawn chairs and take it all in, and the area in front of the stage was rockin but not at all a mosh pit except right on the rail. Great sight lines. Sound was really good where we were (about 25 feet in front of John). I reall
  9. Thanks... it was a really sweet moment, and also pretty cool to find out that I share a birthday with Stan!
  10. Thanks for all the info. Friday is my 50th birthday, and my wife and I will be at the show, but I know next to nothing about Rochester. This is helpful. We'll be there, and really looking forward to it. BTW, I am in the process of stuffing the request box with "When You Wake Up Feeling Old". Feel free to contribute... tas
  11. best of luck in the upgrade... Did something change over the past weekend so that we're now "viachicago.org" instead of "forums.viachicago.org"? What will we be after the upgrade? Thanks for doing all this!
  12. I'm sure he did... maybe Wilco trumps basketball, even in Kentucky. I suspect there were a few catcalls on the comment.
  13. Shug, you're apparently not from around Kentucky. UK (Lexington) and UL (Louisville) are pretty big rivals in just about everything. Glenn went to UK, Lexington, and those of us who live in Lexington, myself included, are pretty psyched that Glenn went here. He did a stop here on his solo/duo tour with Nels which was fabulous. We keep waiting for the whole band to come back, but Louisville or Cinci is about as close we get lately.
  14. This sounds really interesting. Album Sept 11. First song download & tour info here: http://lovethisgiant.com/about/ I like the song. Wasn't sure what to expect, but I like it...
  15. well, yeah, but I'm a pretty big fan... and it's a pretty amazing show... so my "once in a lifetime" has kinda grown to thrice in a lifetime...
  16. I've been saying that same thing for Roger Waters. Going on Sunday for the 3rd time...
  17. Maybe Pat will expand his "multi instrumentalist" role to include smartphone. (null)
  18. How is Carribou? Worth seeing or a skipper? (null)
  19. well said, and I see the reality of that point. but don't you think that the protests and that overall voice contribute to that "cost" as well? I still think that the unrest, the dissatisfaction, the "voice" from a passionate & sincere group of people (whatever you want to call such an organized and sustained "movement") is recognized as a part of the cost and help push, or at least expedite, the outcome. Is it strictly a "rather than" as you said, or is there an "in addition to" working there?
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