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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. What happens to the school? I'd suppose they get to sell wrapping paper cookie dough and have bake sales like the rest of us. What happens to us high maintenance rabid freak fans? Many of us will digress into discussions about Hebrew rituals and the verbization of them. In other words, pretty much business as usual. That said, I've been to a couple of these shows and I sure hope Sue either keeps this going or finds something else for Jeff to do a couple times a year so we can keep this kind of thing going. It's a fantastic show, and I hope I haven't been to my last one.
  2. white lights on a small holly tree in the yard, and white icicle lights inside the screened in deck. colored for the tree inside, much to my wife's chagrin. our tree has looked pretty much exactly the same for the past 20 years, and I wouldn't have it any other way. That's Murphy guarding the tree, btw.
  3. The place I'm most thankful for is our very own back deck. We screened in a big section of it several years back. It's right off the kitchen, and about 12 feet off the ground. It has this huge old tulip poplar tree just behind it, and big pine trees on one side. It's like being in a treehouse. We have a porch swing, a couple chairs, and a table and chairs for eating. It's a sanctuary away from the rest of the house. My wife and I can go there after work and decompress and catch up. It's perfect for a Sunday afternoon nap on the swing. When spring finally comes around, it's the first p
  4. +1 on the blizzard, and along that line... My mother in law makes a pumpkin cheesecake with a sponge cake crust for Thanksgiving which is amazingly good. I'm thankful for that every November. A couple years ago she made one for me as a Christmas present. That's when I knew I was her favorite. As for drink, I'll go with peach iced tea in the summertime.
  5. So I guess this will be somewhere in one of the "what I'm thankful for" threads?
  6. Thanks for that. I love anything the guy does, and this is a very enjoyable listen. I saw him last fall, and he was noodling around on something by himself during the sound check that we snuck into. I hadn't heard it before, but it turns out it was the title track on this... I remembered the Chicago reference and the half empty / half full line. I'd really like to hear him do something further out of his norm. I thought the Hands of Glory EP was a nice departure; something different. This one is very listenable.
  7. "The Thanks I Get" is on the Delta boarding music playlist for November.
  8. I do, quite a lot it seems. I try not to think about it too much. (null)
  9. I just had the weirdest déjà vu. Like I had lived this exact moment about an hour ago.
  10. How men and women record things in their diaries...... ------ Wife's Diary: Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment on it. Conversation wasn't flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn't say much. I asked him what was wrong; He said, 'Nothing..' I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn't upset, that it had nothing to
  11. Thanks again all. BTW - I'm in the 50YO married (for 25 years) male with 3 college aged kids demographic. In other words, right in the Wilco sweet spot. I read "Skinny Legs and All". It was really good for quite a while, but then I thought the ending got rather preachy and uninteresting. Are his other books as political / satirical? I liked the quirky aspect a lot, but didn't need the whole lecture on the middle east and organized religion. Well, this one got a major raised eyebrow from my wife, especially when the genre label from the library said "Romance". But it was a quick r
  12. Thank you everyone.... I really appreciate the input. Based on your advice, a couple other recommendations, and a trip to the local library, here's what I'm taking with me. I have no illusions that I'll read them all, or even more than maybe 2, but I figure some may not click and I'll have some choices. I also have an upcoming long trip to China after the vacation, so I'm hoping to have some carryover reading enthusiasm for that... The Last Girlfriend on Earth The Restaurant at the End of the Universe An Oral Biography of Buster Casey Emperor Mollusk Versus the Sinister Brain Skinny Legs
  13. OK, book people! As an avid non-reader, I would like to get some recommendations for a book or two to read on an upcoming beach vacation with my wife who will be glued to her kindle. I haven't read a book in years. I'd like to get something that's along the lines of the earlier Michael Crichton books - kind of science fiction / techie stuff, but an easy read. Also something funny / quirky a la Hitchiker's Guide but maybe a little more current. Not much to go on there. Any help would be greatly appreciated... I generally have no business in a book thread.
  14. actually, I cheat a little, but it's OK because that's the way Alton Brown said to do it. Once it gets to 155 on the smoker griller thingie (about 6 hours), wrap it up in foil and put it in the oven till it gets to 200 (another 3 hours). Still an all day event, and still really good. Here are the last two I did a couple months ago, right before going into the oven.
  15. A pair of pork butts, who shall spend their entire Saturday becoming smoke laden and delightful by evening.
  16. Today I installed iOS 7.0.2 Today I can once again add songs to my alarm clock Coincidence? I think not.
  17. I hadn't warmed up to them much in the past (tried but it just didn't work for me). I did give this a lunchtime spin on spotify today, and I really like it.
  18. No, I did not try that. What else do you recommend?
  19. Yeah, I tried that... but when I click on "pick a song", I get a blank white screen. Also, on my freebie alarm clock app, same kind of thing... the "change music" button does nothing. Both used to work.
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