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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. I would love to see him, and really wanted to get Louisville tickets. But all the lower arena tickets are (were) $250. That is just absurd in my book.
  2. Today I realized that none of our kids are going to a prom this year, as they have all graduated high school. This was accompanied by a wave of stresslessness and gratitude.
  3. We saw St. Vincent do a cover of Lithium on Tuesday night in Cinci as an encore. She nailed it.
  4. Thank you Wilco presale.... 3rd row dead center for Louisville Jeff solo.
  5. Gallon Drunk. In Budapest. On a barge. Should be interesting.
  6. it's all about today, really. tomorrow never knows.
  7. Had "Cycle", "Wave", and "Phase" on a loop in the car today. Really left me wanting more of that. I wonder what "Wave" would be if he took a "One Sunday Morning" approach to it... I could see it being a 10 minute song that seemed to last only 5.
  8. Is it just me, or do John and Jason have an awfully similar head of hair?
  9. Smoking a couple pork shoulders all day. Kids are at the local comic con all day. Watching lots of basketball. Pretty good stuff...
  10. Big: Roger Waters / The Wall (yes, all 3 times). Small: Califone in a bar in Louisville in January. Maybe 40 people.
  11. From the facebook (which, incidentally, I just joined yesterday. So I guess I'm not going to be the final holdout on the planet...)
  12. turn on: women who can drive manual transmissions. turn off: smokers. either gender.
  13. 3 hours of sleet and slush followed by 4 inches of snow last night. After a Saturday at 60 degrees. I blame the groundhog.
  14. Califone. Very excited. Except for the 9 degrees it's supposed to be tonight...
  15. Yes, and you could occasionally catch a glimpse of the "other" drummer (I assume Paul's regular guy) in the dark next to him. It was kinda sad.
  16. You can't earn your parent stripes till you've sat through Hot Cross Buns at least 10 times. Once you've cleared that, it's all downhill.
  17. Yes. Thanks for the info. ed: I like the single. Definitely a Sea Change vibe, which I also liked, but I do prefer some of the more creative / unique uptempo stuff. Sea Change is gorgeous if you're in the right mood, but I'd rather spin Modern Guilt or The Information if I'm just in the mood to listen to music.
  18. -------------------------------- On the continuum between passion and asshole, this is clearly on the asshole end of the scale.
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