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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. The gatefold looks like they used the same box of Crayola's that The National used for High Violet
  2. Lotti is certainly a tough act to follow, but congratulations to you both!! That sounds like a whole lotta work to get to that point. And a whole lot still to go...
  3. something I noticed watching this last night: John's favorite song seems to be whatever song he's playing right now. He is all in, all the time. Glenn, too... but John just seems to love what he's doing on every song.
  4. Wonder what they'll play on the show tonight? I'll guess Dawned on Me.
  5. I think IG gets better with age. And it was pretty good to begin with...
  6. Man, that Nels dude plays some seriously worn out geetars.
  7. Great read. There are some really interesting people in this band... Stupid question: Did the Pat/John AD thing precede Pat's joining Wilco?
  8. Perhaps you would like to share with the rest of the class?
  9. squeak, squawk, squiggle... I heard it early on as well, and thought it was more of a "peek" than anything. Just a couple notes to put out there and say "hey", but then disappear again. Bit of a tease, maybe. As if a 12 minute song needs some complete stray dog popping in just because it can. I have never heard the boing in Far Far Away.
  10. The following shall not be skipped: Via Chicago Shot in the Arm Thank you, tas
  11. So how's the new record? Released yesterday, right?
  12. but wow, that would pretty much set the kids on fire, no?
  13. I thought we weren't supposed to know this yet?
  14. I also get immersed in a rock concert, especially Wilco. No phones, no talking other than an occasional whisper to my wife to explain what the song is or something. I do have a pee break song which I will keep to myself, or at least save for another thread. I really do hate the talkers, especially when they seem to want to converse during something quiet like Reservations or the uber-rare Dash 7 :realmad . All that said... I must admit I enjoyed it when someone who shall remain nameless gave me a shout out call from the Red Rocks show a couple years back right when the "ANY - MORE" cro
  15. I've enjoyed listening to the stream and the rip thereof, but I am soooooo ready to get the CD, kick everybody else out of the house, crank up the stereo and park myself on the couch with the lyrics & the deluxe whatever booklet and just take it all in for a spin or two.
  16. I tried to avoid most of the TV shows yesterday, but caught myself lingering on the NYC scenes of the towers during some channel hopping last night. In a lot of ways it's even more unbelievable today than it was 10 years ago. Also did a full listen to Springsteen's The Rising during the day. I still consider that to be a great record.
  17. Ho. in I might. For whatever reason, that reminds me of Fonzie in Happy Days. I think his is more of a woah than a ho (not the heyyyy) but thats what popped on my brain. Not exactly profound or anything but I like it.
  18. If you tap the star on the left it should take you to the first unread post. I've noticed it can be a little tough to tap just that star without clicking the topic and going to page one.
  19. OK, maybe everybody already knows this but me... But on the "shows" page on the new website, there's a drop down over on the top right that says "view tours by year" and goes back to 1994 with a list of all the shows each year. Each show has the setlist under "view details". There are a couple other clickable things that don't seem to work just yet. A "Being There" button, which says you have to log in (?) which seems curious. Clicking on the venue gets the handritten "page not available" screen. Did we know about this? Is that why wilcobase is on hiatus lately? Was there a hostile
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