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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. Have a great one, Neil! "39", yeah right. Vince
  2. Via Chicago live, where the rumble & noise are loud enough to collapse your lungs.
  3. You should definitely have your second cup of coffee before you go shopping.
  4. thank you. apparently I'll have to wait till after work to get that.
  5. one of the educational benefits of VC is all the hip new words I learn here. Most of them make sense, and I can get the meaning from context. But I admit I'm stumped on hunyock. Little help on that one? Oh, for the record, I dislike the car commercials as well. Anything that tells me I have to spend 40 grand plus to show someone I love them is simply evil. In particular, the Kia commercial which is a ripoff / clone commercial to the others is just lame and unnecessary. I know the Koreans are generally into me-too kinds of products, but that commercial is particularly blatant in its l
  6. Nice try. A source who wishes to remain anonymous told me that gogo pays you a 'handsome stipend' to keep the shit stirred up around here just to keep things interesting.
  7. This. From the comfort of my family room, of course. And with about 35 more points from the Bears in the first half...
  8. I've never seen Andrew Bird, but love his stuff and would love to see him. Given that fact, I would prefer a more normal show with actual songs for the first one or two times. I've seen Wilco and seen Jeff, and loved every second of it. But yeah, I would love to spend a couple hours listening to him noodle around on stuff. I envision that as being kind of a fly on the wall at the loft.
  9. Well, the "game of the year" is turning out to be a major dud. The Jets do not look like a 9-2 team tonight. I was really hoping for a good game...
  10. This thread is like opening up the comics section and finding a bunch of editorials. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FUNNIES PEOPLE?????
  11. I did a "minipalooza" a couple years ago and saw Radiohead and Wilco in Indy on back to back nights, right after they played lollapalooza . That was pretty memorable. Played a round of golf with my mom two hours south of Indy in between...
  12. I thought it was a bizarre murder scene when I first saw it.
  13. I've seen a couple tickets pop up on TM, but in general it's been sold out for a while. I decided to make the "once in a lifetime" experience a "twice in a lifetime", so I will be there. Can you recommend a place nearby to grab something to eat, and also some tips on parking? I'm not at all familiar with the area.
  14. Cuban sandwiches from the Silver Ring cafe in Tampa are teh awesomest.
  15. In typical VC style, I will now attempt to hijack this thread by responding to a simple, direct question with a non-answer... that's just what we do around here, and I hate to break tradition. I stopped drinking coffee about 3 years ago and started on Chinese tea. Much easier on the stomach, and helped a lot with indigestion issues. I drink a type of tea called "Iron Buddha" that is fairly common in southern China. Similar to oolong. Stronger than green tea; kinda between green and black. I have amassed a small collection of travel mugs which have strainers in the top to filer out th
  16. So how did they work in the Louisville Youth Orchestra? My daughter played in the Central Kentucky version (CKYO), and she was especially jealous...
  17. One thing that I noticed was that there were a lot of multi-generational people there. Lots of groups of father / sons and parents + teenagers. Pretty cool landlord you got there flick.
  18. One more thing and I'll quit blithering. Listening to this record start to finish with thousands of other people who also really love it was pretty cool too. You kinda forget how special a record The Wall really is, but being surrounded by that many others who feel a strong connection to is a great experience. It's easy to see why that record is so beloved by so many.
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