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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. Donna, you need any help cleaning up? I think I may have spilled some pudding on your ottoman... sorry 'bout that.
  2. it doesn't get any better than guitars and a cowbell
  3. must have been the gong and the flexitone that threw him off...
  4. Califone-i-a stars? Really Mike?
  5. late to the party, but just in time for the encore!
  6. ^ +1. I like them a lot, but wondered why I hadn't heard much lately.
  7. Led Zepplin did An Evening with Wilco? Sounds Dazed and Confused.
  8. Good point. Wilco (the song) was like that on Colbert. Something new to get warmed up for this next tour leg?
  9. Hey Greg, hope you're back on your feet soon. You're wayyyy too young for that hospital stuff... Vince
  10. I've been referring to it as "oh-ten" for a while at work (oh-eight / oh-nine / oh-ten kind of thing). Now that we're actually in it, I don't think that will hold up well.
  11. The clothing boxes you get from the store. You know. The thin white ones which usually have the store name on them. We always reused the boxes growing up. I still do. Re-tape the little corner thingies when the glue lets go. Fold them up oh-so-carefully on New Years and put them away for next year. Match tops and bottoms so it's easier next year. It's just something we do... tomorrow we'll open boxes circa 1997. This has led to the #1 slogan in our family on Christmas morning: "NTTB" (Never Trust The Box). The kids have learned not to get all excited and go "OH COOL IT'S FROM THE GAP!!!"
  12. Andrew Bird's Effigy. The intro is so good, then the guitar is so good, then the lyrics kick in and it's really quite the letdown. Then the harmonies show up, and they're really good too. Then the lyrics get back in the way. Then the fiddle is nice, and then the lyrics are back... alas.
  13. Happy Birthday Solace. May all your birthday gifts be Christmas-wrapping-paper-free... Thanks for all you do around here, and have a great day.
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