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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. Um, no... but I do know that the cowbell is highly under appreciated in this one.
  2. "Thanks You Everywhere" on the streamsite??
  3. stream's getting a little choppy at my house
  4. I spose that means the acoustic set is over...
  5. really not missing that much. just the usual.
  6. so what's the thing that sounds like a slide guitar in the acoustic set?
  7. Rough week up there, eh? And now tornadoes?
  8. This will not do.... (CALL THE SCHOOLMASTER!!)
  9. Hi. Kinda forgot about this, but seems that I'm in time for the acoustic set...
  10. They were also in Lexington (same mini-tour, I think) and I saw them. Glenn played much of Mobile (with crickets!), and chatted a little. He went to the University of Kentucky here, so it was a bit of a homecoming for him. Played in the same hall where he did his recital, I think he said. I think he played an hour or so. Nels played a little less than that. Then they played a couple long-ish pieces together. I wasn't familiar with Nels' non-Wilco stuff so it was pretty interesting. Sparse crowd, really nice evening. You're definitely in for a treat.
  11. +1 I don't listen to it all that often; gotta be in the right mood and have time to spin it front to back. But when I do, I enjoy it immensely.
  12. I've heard mostly bad things, but a couple good. Our local music critic (Hi Walter) liked it. I like his solo stuff, and I thought Up was very good from his recent work. You guys are seldom off the mark as a group, and even less timid. So... Is it worth my ten bucks?
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