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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. The Jam production site says "off sale" for Sat. Think I'll call the Vic later today.
  2. Tuesday Afternoon - The Moody Blues Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon - Queen
  3. Love the blogs. Great reviews. The King of Vicarious Wilconess.
  4. "accumulating snow advisory" for tonight. Seriously? Can we be done with this already? My wee little sugar snap sprouts are not going to be happy about this.
  5. VC Lurker would be a good name for a sandwich
  6. Well, it WAS here... 70's over the weekend and a few days over the past couple weeks. But right now it's 37 with a w/c of 29. TWENTY NINE!
  7. That was my first thought as I was reading that link. Brilliant hype.
  8. Hey little Donna still wanna? You said to ring you up When I was in Toranna.
  9. Me too. Feel free to post whatever, but I'm enjoying hearing from people who are actually affected by all of this and have a vested interest in the outcome. Otherwise I'd just read the news. My opinion as a spectator isn't all that interesting and typically underinformed. But it's refreshing to hear from people (with names and faces, or at least avatars and sigs) who see things from the inside out.
  10. I saw them in '79 instead of going to my junior prom! Yeah, I'm an anti-social geek from way back...
  11. As if members of a Wilco message board would have a clue what a great dance record is. Careful what you wish for.
  12. One listen so far. It's good, but hopefully it's a grower. Most of the songs sound at least a little familiar which is not really a compliment. I thought that In Rainbows suffered from the same problem on a lot of tracks, but this one seems even moreso.
  13. 1. I enjoyed watching Arcade Fire perform and win. 2. I now know about 1000% more about popular music than I did 24 hours ago, which isn't saying much, but should help me answer more Jeopardy! questions.
  14. I have often thought it would be cool to have 30 or 40 signs that say "NOTHIN" on them, pass them out down an entire row, and then start holding them up one by one down the row as they go though the nothin's on Misunderstood. Kinda like "K"s at a baseball game or "3"s at a basketball game.
  15. Thanks Mike. I love that tune. I use it as my alarm clock tune for my phone whenever I travel. It's a beautiful thing to wake up to. Ironic that its real name is Let Me Come Home...
  16. Is there another name for that one? Maybe I have the wrong demo's, but I don't have one by that title.
  17. Yeah, I did. Very humbling experience... I don't think I need to book my ticket to LA anytime soon!
  18. Since Jeff and Tony are sure to read this as they fill in the 2011 tour dates, I suppose I had better chime in. Definitely a stop in Louisville and/or Cincinnati this year is in order. Those got missed last year. Or Lexington (KY) would be even better. Ask Glen. He'll vouch for us.
  19. I was just out of college working in south Florida. I also remember looking out the window of our building and seeing that odd shaped ball of smoke low on the horizon right after we heard about it.
  20. Try refresh maybe? They are also in the press release info on the Anti- label site for the wilco announcement.
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