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Posts posted by theashtraysays

  1. ... and all that malarkey...


    ... wee bit difficult ...


    Well, using "malarkey" and "wee" will get you profiled for sure... no wonder you're getting nowhere. :lol


    As for a replacement social security card, good luck with that. I had to do that for my daughter when we tried to get her driving permit, and it was a major hoop-jumping event even in person. I can't imaging doing that remote control far, far away.

  2. I am really happy about the increased keyboard presence. There is no disputing Jeff's now-awesome guitar playing and Nels is a great contribution, but they have two awesome key players that didn't have much to do (in terms of keys at least) on SBS and it really adds a lot.


    Yeah, I noticed that too. From the pre-leak interviews and live songs, I expected a lot more Nels-centric songs. But I like that the keyboard / piano stuff is a little more out front.


    The piano in You Never Know is great.

  3. So, the Cinci show is June 12, and looks like a one-stop warm-up for Bonnaroo on the 13th after they get back from Europe.


    In looking at Andrew Bird's tour, he is also playing at Bonnaroo (14th). His date prior to that is June 8 in Colombia, MD.




    It seems only logical that AB would stop by in Cinci to have a one-night warmup with his Wilco buds before the Roo fest.


    I approve. Tony, call Andrea and do lunch.


    That is all. Carry on.

  4. So, I heard this live last summer (Indy / Aug). I recall it having a really cool prog-rock kind of chord progression / break down in the middle or toward the end, but I don't think that the studio version has that.


    Does that ring a bell with anyone else?

  5. You see, this is where I am having a conflict with my "abstaining" issue.


    I am going to this Cinci show.


    So I think I am going to have to cave and listen to the stream before the show, so I know the new songs before I hear them in Cinci. :) Then I will be able to fully realize how amazing the live performance is, which is one of the many things that I love about Wilco -- the live shows.


    I'll just consider it as doing my homework! :music


    Not really caving out of weakness. Right? RIGHT? :stunned


    I have had a similar mental wrestling match (aka "rationalization session"). And after a few days of avoiding the issue.....


    I caved.


    bittorrented it this morning .. on the Ipod and a CD for the car... and I plan to listen to it a lot and learn all the songs before Cinci.


    So there. Feel free to join. And I'll see ya in Cinci, btw!



  6. So, the Cinci show is June 12, and looks like a one-stop warm-up for Bonnaroo on the 13th after they get back from Europe.


    In looking at Andrew Bird's tour, he is also playing at Bonnaroo (14th). His date prior to that is June 8 in Colombia, MD.




    It seems only logical that AB would stop by in Cinci to have a one-night warmup with his Wilco buds before the Roo fest.


    I approve. Tony, call Andrea and do lunch.


    That is all. Carry on.

  7. This is the first thing I thought of when I saw the cover :


    there will be tables and chairs

    there'll be pony rides and dancing bears

    there'll even be a band


    Camel rides. Brilliant. But apparently, the band split.

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