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Everything posted by david

  1. No artist should be revered after one album, Neil and Dylan have been around for 40 years and still putting out great music, this is not a knock against Jeff but to compare them at this point is foolish. I do hope someday we can.
  2. This exactly why I like them, they do not take themselves serious
  3. Could not agree with you more, Bernie was the voice of reason, while he was in the picture they were a great country rock band, we know what occured after that which was not good. Anyway is it just one person's opinion which people on this board get worked up over, god forbid if we do not tow the company line.
  4. Neil's is an intersting choice. After a few listens I never went back to it, I think I will try it again.
  5. They may sound a bit like Springsteen's style of twenty years ago on a few tracks especially on Boys and Girls, but just as an influence.
  6. Great news for those of us who rather have a CD in hand, then downloading their shows as been their practice in recent years. I wish more groups would take their lead. I think they should have been on Rolling Stone's list of top 25 underappreciated artists. So many poeple wrote them off after the grunge error in the early 90's, but that have been releasing quality stuff since then and being the most generous band to their fans in regards to making live material available.
  7. On Gimme Fiction the first three songs are so good, that the rest of the album seems to be a let down. If they had spread those songs throughout the album I might have viewed the album differently, anyway Girls in my opnion still is a clear cut favorite.
  8. I miss the old days before streams, when the first time you heard a album is when you bought it, the anticipation of the release date, going to the record store, coming home, taking the wraping off and putting it on the turntable hoping that the record did not have any static etc. I guess this is why I have been avoiding the temptation of listening to SBS more often, hoping when May 15 comes it is still new in my mind.
  9. No mas, on to other subjects. It was never my intention to convince anybody to change their mind, just expressing my opnion.
  10. Lets put this to bed. I am nepatriots as Solace gave me a new sign on name when he realized that Ninjas and I are not the same person. End of story
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