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jw harding

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Everything posted by jw harding

  1. Just let it bounce off and move on bro. "I guess it doesn't matter anyway..."
  2. You completely mischaracterized or misunderstood what Silberman said about relating to Deadheads 500 years from now. Sorry, after I read that, it was hard to take anything else you wrote seriously. You don't need to prove shit to anyone, but that doesn't mean you're not out of your depth on this subject. And yet, you keep trying...
  3. That would make some sense. Would be nice to get into the back stories of other band members. Although the Other One film delved nicely into Weir. But I think Garcia is rightly the center of the story - the other members were following his vision and stated such in the film, and everything depended on him, for better and worse.
  4. We talk shit about the Dead all the time in here. I think there's just an expectation that the shit talking be based in reality or a consistent and informed perspective. I think you are lacking in the latter, as your lack of knowledge of who Steve Silberman is would indicate. One of the problems with the Grateful Dead is that in order to understand them, you have to get really deep, or there are many things you just won't catch. You want to talk shit about the Dead, I can do that all day long.
  5. Well, Tom Petty is boring and derivative nonsense. They should've been able to fit a movie about him into 15 minutes. Do you really think Pearl Jam and Rush had anywhere near the cultural or musical impact that the Grateful Dead had? Anyway, thanks for sharing your perspective. Good to get a sense of how people base their opinions. I'm with suspenders guy.
  6. Feel like the film and all the points you bring up have already been addressed in this thread. Who is the random nobody you're talking about? Steve Silberman? He's a pretty renowned Head, journalist, activist. Or Nick Paumergarten? An articulate Deadhead who writes for the New Yorker. Felt they were excellent representatives of the Deadhead experience. Feel like the film is pretty beloved, except by people who are upset that certain things were left out of a 5 hour film on the 30 year history of the band. The intention of the film was not to be a wikipedia entry on the band, but to tell
  7. Nice show, likely overshadowed by 6/18/74. Don't think the Slipknot is quite there yet, but always cool to see it outside of HSF.
  8. Seems like service charges are flat fees regardless of ticket price, no? $75 ticket service charge will be the same as that for $850.
  9. Actually 7/28 set 2 with the Chalkdust may be my favorite set. 7/26 (1999) and 8/2 (Mike's Song) were real good too. The run was so long it's hard to recall it all without looking at the setlists.
  10. The Jimmies/Jam show would probably be #1. I like the Lemon and Glazed shows a lot too, but it comes down to personal preference. Only set I didn't care for was Boston Cream set 2, where the jamming didn't go anywhere and the song selection stunk, but some people loved it. The Chalkdust from early in the run may be the highlight of the whole thing, but there were certain songs and jams that stuck out every night.
  11. Rolling Stone recap: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/live-reviews/phishs-bakers-dozen-residency-our-recap-w496328
  12. No FOMO. If Neil can wait 40 years to release it, I can wait a month to listen to it. If it's great, it'll still be great then. So much great music out there already. I'm an old curmudgeon when it comes to music.
  13. Love Neil. Not downloading Spotify. I can wait a few weeks.
  14. Here you go: https://t.co/JunRMrBycJ Outstanding show tonight!
  15. Also, Page teased Jessica last night during McGrupp. Just sayin.
  16. Nice review of the Phish experience and Baker's Dozen from Steven Hyden. Wish Wilco would follow this model a bit more, but with the recent repeating setlists don't think they could do it to the same extent. http://uproxx.com/music/phish-bakers-dozen-live-music-focal-point-of-art/
  17. For sure. Part of what makes Phish interesting is sometimes they do the obvious, other times they do not. Phish has shied away from tributes the past few years, so not expecting anything, but a boy can hope!
  18. Mtn Jam tease during Hood last night. At least the 3rd time teased this tour. Hopefully they stretch it out at some point, would be a nice Allmans tribute.
  19. Rock n Roll. Though on Sunday, the "Red Velvet" show, they covered Sunday Morning for the first time, and encored with Sweet Jane, which they've played a handful of times.
  20. I thought set 2 was about as good as it gets. Incredible energy and playing throughout, love when they jam Chalkdust. Fun dance party cover. The Number Line was triumphant and had some extra mustard. Finish it off with a VU cover in NYC. Cinnamon tonight. Cinnamon Girl seems obvious. Hoping for Pepper by Butthole Surfers. That would be epcot.
  21. Big difference between the Dead with and without Jerry. At least you had fun.
  22. Phish is such an inside joke, I can't imagine a 70 year old English dude walking into a show and getting it. Too bad he falls into the trap of so many crusty old Deadheads of us vs. them, can't relax and have a good time. I can't imagine being the one guy not having fun at a Phish show. #SuperSad
  23. Seems like anything is on the table for this run, given no repeats thus far, the new songs and covers, and bustouts of tunes like 1999 they haven't played in almost 20 years. The playing, particularly the lengthy jamming, has been great as well. A real treat for the fans.
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