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Twisted Acres

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Everything posted by Twisted Acres

  1. If he's motivated, that could be a massive steal.
  2. If you're into this sort of thing, a total lunar eclipse will be visible for much of the Northern Hemisphere tonight. Starts at about 8:50 eastern time, totality lasts from about 10pm 'til 11pm, and then the earth's shadow moves away. Of course, whether one is able to view it depends upon the weather in their area. The average person has the opportunity of witness only about 40 of these in their lifetime, so take advantage if skies are clear! Maybe Jeff & co. will stop the show and bring everyone out onto N. Racine for an impromptu science class with Professor Nels. http://news.yahoo.c
  3. Yes, Judy, I got a bit wistful seeing them all, can't wait to hang, it'll be sooner than you think!
  4. Great to "attend" the show with you all. xoxo and nighty night.
  5. In extra innings, Jorgenson drives in Kotche with the winning run, and Wilco takes Game 4! This detailed analysis is priceless...
  6. yeah, and an ounce of rockin' pneumonia Drew.
  7. you can't hear it on the radio... or can you!
  8. Put it in the books! The final score: Wilco 109, Celtics 101. We'll be back with the happy recap right here on the WXRT Wilco Radio Network!
  9. This is fucking great... the mellotron tones give it even more of a Zep-ish vibe.
  10. this is off the hook, go Nels! Crash through that defensive line! I sure hope Dash 7 peeks it's cute lil' head tonite too...
  11. Jeff Tweedy has a slugging percentage of .564 against left-handers...
  12. I'd love to hear Dick Vitale right about now analyzing the show... "That Pat Sansone... he's a DIAPER DANDEEEEE!!!!!!"
  13. "and to the City of Chicago for allowing us to have... such wonderful lives... oh my god"... priceless
  14. Patti sends her best wishes, she felt so bad to know that you're not at the show.
  15. Show went splendidly by the way (other than developing the flu sometime after it was done)... I am blessed by the company of some crack musicians!
  16. Just woke up from a few hours' sleep after watching Liverpool/Inter Milan Champions' League... glad to report that I don't feel like an ICBM detonated in my head, just quite lethargic. Thanks for the remedies, heading into the kitchen now to guzzle a bit of honey to kill this cough. Alison, PLEASE feel better soon. I remember that last time you got rocked, and it seems like it took you weeks to recover. Get that husband of yours to make you some chicken soup (or at least bring you some home after the show).
  17. It might be the flu making me delusional, but did I take that photo? Irving Plaza?
  18. It's like Romper Room, Drew!! Paulie doesn't find the camera, the camera finds him.
  19. any images of the posters floating 'round?
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