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Twisted Acres

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Everything posted by Twisted Acres

  1. My prayers are with your family and your mom's spirit, Gary...
  2. Sat near that guy a time or two when I was a kid. He had one that said "TERRRRRIFIC!" for whenever Tom Seaver was throwing well (which was often ). I often wondered why he stopped doing the signs in the 80s, and just assumed that he had passed away or moved... rip.
  3. Oh man, Maudie... my heartfelt condolences to Natalie's family.
  4. Heard nothing but awesome things about these. I think Louie was one of the folks who told me I need to get them. Still haven't though (slacker!@!$!)
  5. Anyone planning to make a trip to DC this year to see the new ballpark, or to NYC to bid adieu to Yankee and/or Shea Stadiums?
  6. Vote, friends, VOTE VOTE VOTE! It matters so much.
  7. Watching the Caribbean Series right now... and it makes me realize yet again how much I cannot WAIT for pitchers and catchers!
  8. Word. There was a great moment shown on FOX right after the end of the game, before the trophy presentation, where they're just catching player reactions... and they cut to Jeff Feagles and his wife. Wife asks, "....what do we do now," and Feagles replys, with an awestruck smile, "Just take it all in." One of those perfect, human moments that is easily lost in the shuffle. Glad we got to peek in on it.
  9. Just write down your favorite songs of all time, and learn the top 100 or so. You'll be living in your favorite jukebox every single time you play, and the joy of that will be infectious. As I'm sure you well know, the crowd knows when you're going through the motions. Play what you love, and people will enjoy it all the more. Just be sure to add a couple of Wham! songs...
  10. Remember who you are talking about, the dominant pitcher in the AL coming to the weaker division. I'd much rather give this guy that sort of $ as opposed to Barry Zito. I can't wait to see what Sabathia commands in a couple years.
  11. my current desktop... seems appropriate for this hour:
  12. don't rule out an extension of the deadline, friends; Yanks & Arizona got an extension when working out the Randy Johnson trade
  13. (yessiree, that's Mr. Jamerson playing bass with him in this video)
  14. Set a few hours aside for an evening trip to Fremont Street... the original strip. Minimums are far less there. Also, the piano bar at the Golden Gate Casino (coupled with the 99
  15. Perhaps the Sox caught wind that the Yanks were pulling their offer off the table completely, and decided that if their divisional rival was no longer interested, that they had no need to surrender any of their prospects, knowing full well that their rotation is much better than the Yankees rotation as they currently stand. Really, it comes down to the fact that the Twins should have pulled the trigger back in December. Why do you think they didn't wait until the end of this coming July, when his value may have skyrocketed in the eyes of drooling division contenders?
  16. You are the BESTEST, Kristina... have a relaxing, peaceful, and joyous birthday! And another thing... stop working so hard!!!! xoxoxoxoxo from Patti and I.
  17. outtasite, monday, I'm the Man Who Loves You... so many great choices
  18. I'm even more stoked at the fact that they didn't have to part with both Gomez and Martinez. How this could possibly be bad for the Mets is beyond me, other than the idea of giving a 6- or 7-year contract to a pitcher... but this is not just any pitcher.
  19. I wanted so badly to like this movie (have been looking forward to seeing it since last summer), but it was very disappointing. Special effects are fantastic, but the characters (and the excessive shakiness) killed it for me.
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