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Everything posted by rhino4evr

  1. It should be ok to camp out for the show as log as you pack up when the show starts. We set our stuff down before Neko's set, and had a decent view, but we also packed our stuff up when the show started...but then again, we only Brought blankets. I think chairs in general should not be allowed...at least not up front
  2. I'm from Florida, so the heat didn't bother me too much. Was able to find shade in most instances. Saw lots of sunburns though!! Sunblock every 60-90 mins folks! Take it from a pro. Got no color what so ever
  3. The hallway between courtyard C and D got overcrowded several times during set changes. It basically became a wave of people.
  4. We ate at public eat and drink for lunch on Saturday which was a much more relaxing (and A/C!) time. The food was also really good. We did Have to miss lucious though. How was their set?
  5. The worst crowding came right after the yo la Tengo show when everyone walked over to see Foxygen it was a serious bottle neck, but eventually it thinned out
  6. Did anyone make any side trips? My Wife and I did mount greylock on Sunday morning, I recommend it to anyone who is thinking of going next time.
  7. I live in Boca, but ill be skipping the show mainly because I was just at solid sound and I'm a bit "concerted out" plus I hear Dylan isn't very Good live
  8. White denim was definitely awesome. I can't wait for their new one. I agree that Sunday was pretty lackluster, at least compared to how great the first two days were.
  9. Also, I couldn't just leave, as my wife was really into it, apparently she wasn't a knock out tired as I was...
  10. Did I mention it was really dark in there?
  11. It didn't help that show started really late...due to yo la Tengo playing roadrunner on stage at the wilco set. i missed the 2nd encore to get a seat. And to be honest. i wish i hadnt left, as seeing them play roadrunner would have been much more exciting. The music was really slow and soothing, and the narrators voice was really monotone, along with a film that was in black and white and a tad blurry. It was defiantly a bad idea to have this on Friday night after a long day of travel, drinking, and just overall exhaustion. It would have fit perfectly on Sunday morning instead. Like I
  12. I caught most of the you Tengo film, just started nodding off at the end, my wife loved it though, she said that there were a lot of people sleeping. Yo la Tengo was basically playing a lullabye
  13. That's definiltly true. Just figured if there is a noise ordinance then ALL music would stop at 12 to avoid complaints/fines
  14. They had a live DJ doing dance music
  15. 2 beers for me, the rest went to my friends Sorry my phone keeps double posting
  16. The German pilsner was only around 5% from what I remember, and cheers to Wilco for only having craft beers at the show. I had lots and lots of Little Sumpin pale Ale. So good Oh and the beer / food tent in the entrance had the best deal on beer on Saturday $4 for a can of big elm Saison. What a steal! Bought 4 cans for the Wilco set.. Oh and the beer / food tent in the entrance had the best deal on beer on Saturday $4 for a can of big elm Saison. What a steal! Bought 4 cans for the Wilco set..
  17. No, because they had live music way past midnight. I was at the fest until 1:00am on Saturday, and they had an outdoor disco the whole time.
  18. We drove by the wilco campsite and all I could think was those poor poor people. There was superior camping only 20 mins away at mount greylock that had plenty of shade and was much more scenic then a Walmart Parking lot. We stayed in Adams at Halflinger House (thanks to this board for the suggestion!!) and it was decent, but not anything worth the $150 a night we paid. But then again at least We weren't sleeping in the hot sun
  19. I also found it rude that people didn't pack up their blanket/chairs once the show started. We set up camp right before Neko started, but packed up when Wilco was about to go on. Lots of people did not. I was really surprised by the sheer number of kids, part of me thinks this was due to the fact that kids were basically free and that there were lots of activities for them. I saw a lot of frustrated parents at the festival on Saturday due to how crowded it was. Personally I would never bring a kid under the age of 6 to a concert like that. Lots of drug use, drunks, and uncomfortable heat
  20. Since the program didn't show when each comics set started/stopped I had no idea when to even try to see any of them.
  21. Id give the set list on Saturday a B+, not the best set or the longest set I've seen from wilco, which is disappointing when your at the "Wilco festival" They only had one short encore, when they typically have two. I quickly realized that the reason they didn't play longer was due to the "midnight dinner with the band" that was dreadfully expensive ($250 a person). If they would have added a fee more YHF, and played a couple GiB tracks this would have been a A+ set to me. I think it's funny that Wilco the Album continues to be ignored. I think overall the set list was mostly Wi
  22. Did anyone catch any of the stand up? We Didn't see any of it. We did see the yo la Tengo scored documentary...which I Unfortunatly fell asleep too. We had woken up at 3:30am the night before..so it was almost impossible for me to keep my eyes open
  23. the crowd was almost completely silent during Yo La Tengos set. Likewise the crowd around me during both wilco sets was super quiet. no problems with chatterboxes here! ALso that record store was amazing..found some really rare records in seriously good condition for super cheap.
  24. so the NYCtaper set is currently down...so I decided to downlad the BTree one instead. Which one sounds better/has less crowd talking?
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