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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I thought the order of the billing was shocking too. But they were on the same line, in the same size font. So maybe The Killers will headline the first night and Wilco the second? That's the only thing that seems halfway logical.
  2. I see nothing wrong with this. In fact, I clicked over and it looks like this might be a useful site. So thanks!
  3. I got 2 for Va. Beach. Sec. 102, row A seats 15 & 16. Apparently they weren't selling pit tickets in the presale except for the $200+ range.
  4. Wilco now confirmed http://lineup.loufest.com/?utm_source=lou&utm_campaign=2013-lineup&utm_content=20130420-lineup&utm_medium=facebook
  5. Damned if I remember. I do remember that it was a short drive away from Boston--maybe 30-60 minutes?--and we were lined up around the block to get in. And I know it was sometime in 2000 or 2001, because I only lived in the Boston area for those years. When I won the tickets I jumped up from my desk, told my boss I had a personal emergency and took off like a bat out of hell. I wonder why that job didn't last. . . .
  6. From the band's perspective, it's also a good way to keep the most enthusiastic audience members up close. It probably helps feed both the performer's energy and that of the rest of the crowd, to have people standing, cheering and dancing up front. It's actually a little like what some musical theater shows do (Rent and Wicked come to mind, and I'm sure there are others). They reserve the first couple of rows for a lottery system day of show, and they keep the prices really low--$20 or so--to appeal to young people who will naturally get into the show in an expressive way. It's a nice ge
  7. I remember being blown away by the whole show, and Prince was very much front and center on everything. It was an incredibly crowded stage, though. With the full band plus two gyrating singer-dancers, Prince was practically tripping over himself. Seemed to me that the guitar god and sex god were pretty well integrated--the man has definitely got a lot of showmanship mixed in with those chops!
  8. Damn. That would have been amazing. It's experiences like this that ruin you for big stadium shows where you watch the whole thing on a screen. Gotta brag a little here: I once got to see Prince in a similar situation in 2000 or 2001. I was living in Boston, and they did some kind of radio call-in thing (can't remember the details) to get to see Prince in a tiny club about 30 minutes away--a surprise pop-up show for that night. He had the full band and backup dancers but no other elaborate staging. He was starting a major tour in the next week or so. There couldn't have been more than 300-40
  9. You guys are right. It was Friday night that we had the downpour. And one of my favorite musical memories from the festival, when the PA cut out during Radio Cure and the crowd kept the song going until it came back on, with only Glenn's drums to help us keep time. Then at the end, after the sound came back on, Jeff said "Wow. One thing you can say about this audience--they have our back."
  10. I'm bumping this thread because I don't think enough of you have seen this little video! It's such a great, relaxed interview with John and Nels, and I'll bet there are lots of people on this board who have some behind-the-scenes knowledge of some of the events they're talking about. (The fights, the parties, the "almost" sex. . . ) Come on, check it out--it's really fun! I'm also bumping it to humiliate my friend Smells Like Flowers, since we went to the St. Augustine show together and she is so out of it that she didn't hook us up with what John describes as the wildest after party in rece
  11. It can be beautiful. Last time, though, it was an overcast, cloudy weekend, with major thunderstorms Saturday night, which made for a rain-soaked, muddy field and crowd but also contributed to the feeling of solidarity. It's in the mountains so there's low humidity and cool nights. So basically, come prepared for anything from warm and sunny to cool, and don't forget your poncho and comfortable shoes.
  12. Looks like No-Show Jones will be a no-show for good now. Sorry to hear this news. I saw him once many, many years ago. It was a rescheduled show, naturally--back in those days he missed a lot of dates. But the audience was adoring and forgiving, and his voice was just great. It was a treat to get to see him perform live.
  13. I hadn't seen this before. It's great!
  14. Here's some interesting information about exhibits and installations for this year's festival. I'm intrigued by the Loft installation! http://music.broadwayworld.com/article/Wilco-Crafted-Installations-Set-for-SOLID-SOUND-2013-621-23-20130425
  15. Mr Jeff Tweedy may require a bit of a push to don the sequined hat and cape, but I think we all know one multi-instrumentalist who will probably not need too much encouragement to let his inner diva shine!
  16. Damn, Wilco's really figured out how to prevent ballot box stuffing. I submitted my request for Marquee Moon days ago, and I can't submit another on my laptop, iPad or smartphone. I was able to vote a second time using my work computer, but I had already used up that account for Marquee Moon too. Because Lotti is SOOOO special, though, I'm going to force my coworkers to log on and cast a vote for Waterloo. It's the least I can do. ('Cause I'm not going to drive all over town going to public libraries!)
  17. He definitely has the red one with the Asian good luck cat on it. That's what he got dunked in the first year at Solid Sound.
  18. Whaaaaat??!! How dare you suggest that?
  19. [quote name=tinnitus photography" post="1524539"]1524539[/url]" time="1366809650"]1366809650[/url]"]your youtube app doesn't have a stop feature? I guess that comes with the premium version of the app.
  20. I love Richard Thompson too. A helluva guitar player and singer and songwriter, plus he's very engaging and funny in person. Too bd he's not on the bill at the shows I'm going to. Ryan Bingham had something to do with the songs in the movie "Crazy Heart" with Jeff Bridges, as did T-Bone Burnette.
  21. Gov't Mule tonight. Very last minute decision, but it's only $27 and about a mile from home.
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