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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Never heard of him either, but according to wikipedia he's on the Anti- label and he's from Troy, NY. I've seen some (misguided, I think) criticism from locals about the lack of local talent on this year's lineup, so maybe this is a sop to those critics. Plus, of course, maybe he's good. I'll be checking him out.
  2. Paul, you are a treasure to have on this board. I almost feel like the show didn't happen if you weren't there to give us the rundown. Seriously--when I saw the setlist on Wilco's FB page I thought, "Where's Paul's take on this?" You've spoiled us--don't be tardy in your recaps in the future, young man! Seriously. . . thanks very much.
  3. Were you drafted or did you enlist? People enter into military service all the time for a variety of reasons. Some out of a sense of moral obligation or patriotism, but some make a reasoned decision and accept the tradeoffs (skills acquisition, decent pay and retirement after 20 years are just a few) as part of the bargain.
  4. What an amazing souvenir you got. That would make me so happy I wouldn't come down for days! And how cool is it that the guys are so DIY that they've all got their backpacks on. No weenie rolling suitcases for them!
  5. Not sure where to post this so I'll throw it in here. Right now on NPR's Fresh Air they are broadcasting an interview with Jherek Bischoff, who I haven't heard of but who has apparently collaborated with Nels. Terry Gross mentioned Nels in the intro.
  6. Lou is NOT old. If he's old, then I'm. . . . Never mind.
  7. Y'all do know that Wilco has already announced that they'll release a new album later this year, right? In Uncut magazine and also in that interview with the Australian musician Henry Wagons Jeff talks about a late 2013 release, making use of that new Neve console. I know there have been some references to a new album in interviews with other band members too, although I can't recall specifics. I'm guessing this accounts for the dearth of information about any big tour plans this year. I kind of got the impression they were going to be keeping their heads down for most of this year, althoug
  8. Update, for anyone who cares (maybe just me?): This American Life by a nose, with 25,186 votes, or 52%. Radiolab got 23,647, or 48%.
  9. Oh funny. I hadn't read all the way up in the thread. I just saw your comment about Thatcher and thought I'd post my cryptic little Costello remark. I guess we both know what we were referring to! So as one of our resident Brits, are you feeling any pangs of sadness? I'm thinking back to when Reagan died, and I can honestly say I wasn't sorry, although I didn't take any great pleasure in it. Especially given his descent into Alzheimers, which I guess affected Thatcher as well.
  10. And Elvis Costello is echoing in my head.
  11. You can listen to the whole show here: http://sooutoftune.org/concerts/252 Next up on the playlist for me. Thanks for the recommendations.
  12. Jeff has said in several recent interviews that he considers it his job to stay inspired. I'm guessing that he finds it inspiring to work with other artists. I would imagine it opens up his mind.
  13. For all you NPR geeks out there, we're in the final hours of the March Madness brackets competition for favorite show, and currently it's neck and neck with This American Life and Radiolab, with TAL holding a very slim lead. You'll recall that On Fillmore will be live scoring an episode of Radiolab at Solid Sound, which should be a really interesting event. Also, I didn't realize Radiolab had so many fans--it has beaten out Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, Fresh Air and many other better known shows. Anyway, I believe voting closes at 5:00 Pacific Time today, so go here to cast your vote: http://www
  14. It's like that song was written for her. And I actually think it has had an unfinished feel, something that wasn't complete, even though its melody and words are memorable. Good bones, but not fully fleshed out. Not that Wilco couldn't still do something great with the song as well, but it seems perfect for Mavis's sensibility. By the way, I just heard on the Today show that one of the most popular new baby names in 2013 is Mavis. Huh?!
  15. Looks like the new album with Mavis has been announced for release immediately following Solid Sound. And One True Vine will now get a proper release! WFUV Public RadioLike This Page · 2 hours ago This just in: Mavis and Tweedy are back! The winning combo that nabbed a Grammy a couple years ago for "You Are Not Alone", are re-teaming for a new album: "One True Vine" coming on 6/25.
  16. I just heard the news and am so sad. I had completely forgotten writing what I did a few entries up--back in July 2010. There's not much I can say beyond that. He was an incredible man, gallant and hardworking and inspiring to the very end. He had just posted an entry on his blog the day before his passing that gave no indication that he knew the end was near--just that he was having to back off a little due to his health. For anyone interested, his website www.rogerebert.com has some incredibly moving words from his wife as well as Roger's last entry and a huge and growing outpouring of lov
  17. Even Mikael Jorgenson (on Facebook) was promoting this as being free for 30 days. I know there was mention made of trying to get the sync problems fixed. I'll bet it's just being marked private while they work on getting that straightened out for the archived version. Edit: Actually, I think it's just the link in this thread that isn't working. Go over to Wilco's Facebook page and click on that link, or go directly to youtube, and it's playing just fine. I haven't tested to see whether the sync problems still exist, but even if they do, it's minor.
  18. There's a good coffee shop directly across the street from the entrance to Mass MoCA called Brew Haha, and right around the corner from that--near the Holiday Inn--is The Hub. Both of these are convenient, good local places. The Hub in particular has a varied menu and is a good value.
  19. I know. I about died when I realized what they were playing. This was actually the same 1-2 punch (Less Than You Think > Art of Almost) that they opened with when I saw them at the Ryman shortly after TWL was released. The transition works really well.
  20. Interesting. They seemed to cure the sync problems by dropping a line from IATTBYH.
  21. Well, that got my heart started this morning. I could use a wakeup call like this every morning.
  22. Warmup background music just started. Our House, then Man Who Ruled the World.
  23. This just in http://www.relix.com/news/2013/04/02/white-denim-working-on-new-studio-album-with-jeff-tweedy White Denim Working on New Studio Album With Jeff Tweedy White Denim in the studio with Jeff Tweedy. Photo by Zoran Orlic White Denim have exclusively revealed to Relix that they are currently working on a new studio album with Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy. In early March, the members of the psychedelic-influenced garage rock group spent a few days recording with Tweedy at Wilco’s famed Chicago headquarters/studio The Loft. They blasted through two full-realized tracks and
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