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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I'm on the pavement thinkin' bout the government
  2. And no Portsmouth, We were getting used to this.
  3. Well, it wasn't all that long. (That's what she said.)
  4. After reading this article I found 4 separate YouTube videos (parts 1-4) of the entire interview, so I got to hear exactly what he said and the intonation. After hearing that, I don't in any way think he was saying he's no longer interested in his own or Wilco's material. He was, though, really embracing the role of producer and saying he felt it was a good fit for him. His tone of voice was kind of self deprecating (typical Tweedy!) about how it's easier to guide or hone someone else's work than his own. I don't think we have anything to worry about.
  5. Here's a short recap of the Low performance at Saki and the interview that followed with Low and JT. Interesting what he says about producing albums for other artists. Also the comment about needing outside help for producing. I wonder if, through his growing experience in producing others, he is valuing the role of an outside producer more than he has in the past. "Listening to Low's latest record, The Invisible Way, it's difficult to fathom that its inception was essentially a matter of chance. After numerous invitations, the band finally stopped by Wilco's studio last year and witnessed Jef
  6. Wow? Just curious whether that's in relation to how sweet and understanding Glenn was, or how he said what his favorite album was, or something else. I really enjoyed that interview, but then I'm always impressed with his generous spirit.
  7. I'm hoping he keeps it that way for just a few more days. I like him all scruffy. He'll clean up before they tour, I'm sure.
  8. [quote name=theashtraysays" post="1521083" time="1362944852"]I always figured Lotti to be a guy. Not sure why now that I think of it. Do we know this to be factual? Lotti has his/her secrets.
  9. Thanks, Linklink, for thinking I may have some inside track, but all I am is persistent. I did have a block of rooms reserved at the Willows initially but they are all taken by now. However, someone just posted on here a couple of days ago about a room at the Maple Terrace and possibly that's still available. As far as suggestions, just keep calling the hotels within a 10 mile radius and seeing if something opens up. Don't take no for a final answer, and don't believe them if they say you're on a waitlist and they'll call you. Call them instead, and keep calling back! I would book a hotel no m
  10. I've read almost everything by John Updike, but he was so prolific that I don't think anyone could have read everything. And Anne Tyler, except I still haven't gotten around to her two most recent.
  11. Lagunitas and Samosaman are definitely coming back, per this email! ICYMI, specially-priced Solid Sound early bird ticketing ends tomorrow (Monday) at Noon Eastern. You can save 25 bucks by buying today. With that in mind, here's a handy list of things you can buy with that extra cash when you get to MASS MoCA in June: Lagunitas beers (and a tip) for you and two friends a festival t-shirt and/or poster some great music from the Euclid Records pop-up store samosas for all your pals from Samosaman some stuff in North Adams and help the local economy or you could make
  12. What would you like us to get behind, Lotti? Dancing Queen? Fernando? Something else? I'm sure if we all pull together for one song we can make it happen. And it's the least we can do for you.
  13. This is going to be awesome. It makes up for not getting JT solo, and even though it'll be a lot different from that, it should still have a loose, improvisational feel to it, which was part of the appeal of Jeff's solo set. So I'm more than satisfied. (In case you were wondering, Wilco.)
  14. I know, but sometimes I slip into thinking it's JUST us. But no.
  15. Brother, you are so right! Actually, I was stuck in traffic and I'm a little ADD besides. I don't usually text and drive, but I do sometimes sneak a peek when I'm stopped in a traffic jam. But yes, I am an addict.
  16. Sorry--driving. What I was trying to say was I think the hotels are making it up as they go. I would call directly and see. This may not be a firm policy. I know other people staying there less than 4 nights.
  17. if I were you I would check with them directly and
  18. There's a new thread on the AV Club's website about rock documentaries and this is the choice of the day: http://www.avclub.com/articles/a-documentary-about-wilco-found-the-bandand-the-mu,93314/# The write up is short and nothing special, but it has inspired a huge number of comments, some of which are pretty illuminating. Definitely not the usual bunch of flaming insults that you can get in a comments section. Boy, there sure are a lot of Wilco obsessives.
  19. What I heard reminded me of "The Rose." Are you sure that's not what you're thinking of? That sounded NOTHING like All the Best (one of my favorite John Prine songs).
  20. Boy, that's one lucky school to have a generous parent like that. I just glanced at the other auction items and nothing else even comes close. Well, they are auctioning off 2 gold circle tickets to the Vic shows and that's already up to $450. It includes a meet and greet with Jeff. I wonder if there are any other rock star parents to pick up the slack when the Tweedy's youngest graduates?
  21. On Friday I saw the new documentary Sound City, and I highly recommend it for anyone interested in sound recording. I think you can enjoy the film on several levels. If you know something about the subject, you'll probably geek out at the more technical aspects of analog vs. digital recording. But even for a neophyte like me, the concepts were explained clearly enough that I understood a lot more about the recording process than I did going in. And really, the film is a big love letter to the Neve soundboard, and now I understand why it's such a big deal that Wilco has one of these beauties in
  22. I suspect every other member of Wilco--and especially John and Pat--would thoroughly enjoy that day. But from what I think I know about Jeff, the idea of just hanging out all day with someone he doesn't know, without a specific purpose, would be his idea of hell on earth. AND he doesn't drink. Granted, I'm saying all this with no personal knowledge--just basing it on what he's said in interviews, etc. I too wish I could be his buddy for the day, but I'm afraid I'll have to be content with worship from a distance.
  23. I just have to jump in here and say to Rhino, think twice before you decide for sure about leaving early. More than any other festival I've ever been to, Solid Sound feels like a coherent WEEKEND, not just a string of acts. In both previous years the final day was something really memorable that tied the whole experience together with a bow and a cherry on top. The first year it was Jeff solo, then joined by various other musicians who had played over the weekend. (The only missing member of Wilco was Glenn, who had to leave early because of his wife's pregnancy). It was a perfect way to en
  24. The Brian Henneman interview is priceless. Lots of great stories from the old days, and he's a very unguarded, funny guy.
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