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Everything posted by KevinG

  1. You are correct in your assessment, but I think you missed the point of the opinion piece. Booker's career is threatened, but it shouldn't be. Progressives are looking for this perfect candidate to bring them, healthcare, education, social justice, etc. If a politician falters in the slightest bit on one of these, then they are obviously not worthy of support and in fact need to be summarily dismissed as an enemy of the progressive movement. Ditty points out that the vote was probably a lot more nuanced as well then just a vote against cheaper drugs etc. Should Progressives settle on
  2. I love it. Though I am not in anyway ready to crown Booker the next great hope for the Democratic party, but this strive for a perfect candidate by progressives is really stupid. I am glad someone is calling them out. This year should be a lesson, Trump is far from the perfect conservative, far from the perfect republican, even farther from a decent human being. But the GOP eventually came around and supported that m-fer and got him elected. Whereas the progressives couldn't (not saying that third party support was the only reason, but it sure didn't help).
  3. Regardless of the policies of Trump you will see Dem gains in the house and Senate in 2018 (just the way it goes). If his polices are are dire as the seem to be you will see a sweeping change in 2018. So if the Dems some how take control look to impeachment hearing to begin in 2019. There is no way in hell a GOP controlled congress would ever bring impeachment proceedings against Trump, so we are stuck with Trump until at least 2019. Barring an actual video of Trump getting pissed on by Putin, while he shouted state secrets, the GOP is not going to do anything. But of course this is the s
  4. I would take GWB over Trump in a heartbeat. See as misguided and dumb I thought GWB's policies were, I never doubted that he had the best interests of our country in mind. I disagreed with him on almost everything, but I never doubted for a second he wanted what was best for America (Cheney is another story). But Trump, there is not a person who can honestly say he has the country's best interest in his mind. Though out his life, he as looked out for one person and one person only, himself. He has proven this throughout the campaign, he has proven it since becoming elected. Mark my words
  5. So we officially learned that PEOTUS will not divest his business holdings. His sons will run his business but not discuss it with him and that his business will have no new foreign investments. So yeah, we cool now Donald. Good job! Remember this is the same man and the same party who had issues with the Clinton foundation.
  6. I have this feeling that half way through his inauguration address, he just gonna start sobbing and say he was blackmailed into doing this.
  7. Heaven forbid, the entertainment industry try to affect change with their constitutional right to free speech. They should offend your fragile sensibilities. Yes Trump won the election, he will be president. However it is important to remember that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million. I am not saying that this de-legitimizes his presidency, but a majority of Americans saw him as unfit to lead this country. A majority voters saw him mock a disabled reporter, advocate sexual assault, urge a foreign government to interfere into our election process, encourage violence and regularly
  8. Well considering that currently the people who will be advising him are currently being pushed through the confirmation process with a fraction of the vetting that every other appointee has had is pretty concerning. People need to get worked up over that cause that is happening right fucking now. As for his twitter or whatever damn fool fight he gets into with whatever celeb, people should not get worked up over that. It is the rantings of a petulant child. It should be ignored.
  9. Why do we give a fuck about what Streep said about PEOTUS? Or what PEOTUS thinks about Streep? We all saw the video. We can come to our conclusions. Meryl has every right to say what she thinks (unless there is a part in the constitution that I missed where celebrities can't speak their mind). But it is all stupid trivial stuff. Easy and fun to talk about, but nothing more than a distraction. But hey right now Jeff Sessions sitting in front of Senate Confirmation Hearing, who in 1986 was deemed to racist to be a Federal Judge and who currently may or may not have serious ethic violat
  10. My guess is no, he won't actually do his job. I don't think he any interest in actually running the country. His ego is such he just wants to be president, not actually do the shit the job entails. By all accounts it is a super shitty job. He will leave the shit stuff to Pence, Prebus, Ryan, etc. He will sit in the Oval office and play president. That is all he wants. And as a bonus his tweets and tantrums will distract from what is really going on (I for one am a sucker for it). This is what has been going on in the Federal Government since the new Congress has been sworn in: 1.
  11. might I add a thin skinned entitled asshole. I am not sure what he thought would happen after he won, but a majority of voters did not want him as their president. And of those I would garner that they believe he is a terrible human being wholly unqualified for the job and in fact a danger to our country. Right now, the only recourse is to point out what an asshole he is. Especially those in the entertainment industry (who by far dislike him greatly). What he doesn't understand that criticism is part of the job, people are going to look at your every move; you need to deal with it, fa
  12. So odds that Trump will put out a nasty 3am tweet about the Golden globes tonight?
  13. Impeachment simply will not happen, regardless if it is warranted or not. We have seen the leaders of the GOP kowtow to Trump and quickly back off their criticism.
  14. The media needs to stay away from Trump's twitter feed. It is nonsense. It does more to deflect what is really going on then actually present information. Trump is a way less cool version of Zaphod Beeblebrox
  15. Nor does it surprise me and probably the majority of voting Americans. But to Trump supporters it should be a surprise. They should be pissed, but of course they won't. Those Trump supporters have been conned. It is the best way to describe our situation.
  16. Well now he is turning his back on the cornerstone of the campaign. Taxpayers get to build the wall! (and by taxpayers I mean the middleclass) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/01/05/politics/border-wall-house-republicans-donald-trump-taxpayers/index.html&ved=0ahUKEwiT4-qauK3RAhWE4iYKHTUiBMMQFghKMA8&usg=AFQjCNGmQn4W4Yxmde-nzZzyD1ZdxKnAng&sig2=uo0RkHd9A_MquNsnZlx1JQ Again if you voted for Trump you are a sucker. Expect a tweet soon that will deflect attention from this.
  17. He'll take credit, but he didn't do anything. Notice in his one tweet about this he did not condemn the action, just that Congress has better things to work on (and that the oversight was unfair). This was the work of the people. Hopefully from now on people jam those switch boards in DC.
  18. Those who voted for Trump and the GOP for some sort of change in Washington are suckers, and very likely have put our country at risk because of it.
  19. So when will we go to war with China? I put the over under at June 15th, 2017. I'll take the under.
  20. Remember when it was an issue when Clinton was criticized for not having Press Conferences? Or how about when there was just the hint of Clinton using her position as Sec of State to get money for her charitable organization? Or what about when she was too close to banks and gave a speech at Goldman Sachs? Man it seem like everything Trump used to disparage Clinton during the campaign he is now doing as PEOTUS (but to a greater and an actual extent.) I have said it before, but for anyone who voted Trump, you are a sucker. You have been fooled by the greatest con man in history. And Amer
  21. The main difference between the Yellow Journalism of the late 19th / early 20th centuries and today is that the only place people really go their news was from newspapers. And the publishers themselves made a effort to get better. But now, with declining sales, people do not get their news from papers any more. Furthermore most people get their news from the internet, where traffic and revenue is driving by clicks, rather then content. A long expose on the failings of a Trump administration and its ties to the Russian government, simply are not going to get as many hits as the latest Kim K
  22. A Trump presidency is the final nail in the coffin of journalism. We live in a post truth, post fact reality.
  23. this whole Russian thing (and the whole Trump thing in general) proves to me the GOP is more about staying in power then actually abiding by principals and working for the American people. At times like these I really wish Hixter hadn't run off. I generally saw him as a true conservative. I wonder what he thinks of what Trump is doing right now. Heck I would take a chime in form Doctor B.
  24. I think everyone who voted Trump will soon be singing this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b6A9yzJP20 I mean really how many of his campaign promises has he walked back on? It is clear that that this man is only president for one person and that is himself.
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