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Everything posted by KevinG

  1. In the last two months has there been anything that the President has touched that has gone right, or smoothly?
  2. Aren't you just the king of backhanded complements. So tell me, how did I make your argument? Explain to me why Gorsuch should be confirmed. If this were a normal situation, I would have no issue with him as a justice. Let's make that perfectly clear. But this is not a normal situation. It appears that Chuck Schumer agrees with me. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/chuck-schumer-neil-gorsuch_us_58d3da09e4b0f838c630067b?ncid=inblnkushpmg00000009
  3. Instead the GOP is asking him bullshit questions. Asking him his favorite fishing spot. Screw you. Asking if he would rather fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck? Fuck you Senator Flake, that is embarrassing. And Fuck you Senator Cruz for ever tainting the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. You sanctimonious prick. Do your fucking job.
  4. ummm.... no. I hate that, "we will agree to disagree," and then throw out that my argument was childish. Such a cop out. This is not a playground fight, this is not payback. This is a constitutional thing, this is a matter of principal, this is a matter of doing what is right. The GOP subverted their constitutionally prescribed duty, to advise and consent, they stole a constitutionally prescribed power of the President and the only reason they did this was political. What they did was not right. And now the question of the legitimacy of the very administration that nominated him has
  5. I am not sure what Franken said, but it is not a matter if Gorsuch is qualified or not. The supreme court seat was stolen from Garland and Obama and the current President and his administration is now under and FBI investigation. The legitimacy his entire presidency is under question. Any SCOTUS nominee that the President brings up is illegitimate for these reasons. The President could reanimate the corpse of Thurgood Marshall or clone the Notorious RGB and nominate them and it would be a moral imperative to not confirm. This is not a payback, it is the right thing to do. And BTW, if
  6. I am all for political activism and making your voice be heard (and this should be a condemnation of calling your representative), but unfortunately I don't think it will have an effect. My Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) has received numerous calls on issues since the election and has been accused of turning off his phones, complained about the number of calls his office has received, and may or may not have sent a cease and desist letter to a constituent for repeated calls. This compounded with the numerous "empty chair town halls," it is apparent to me our elected representatives just no longe
  7. I love this piece from MSNBC today: http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trump-picks-the-wrong-slogan-promises-made-promises-kept "Promises made, promises kept." Jesus, one of the most offensive things about the President is he thinks the American People are stupid. At sometime the con will have to be discovered. Usually it will happen when someone is hurt real bad or suffers a great loss.
  8. GWB is awful. Never forget that he was one of the worst presidents in modern history. He only seems less terrible compared to Trump.
  9. As correct and outrageous this is, this will never convince anyone who wants to get rid of the NEA, PBS, etc. In the minds of many ultra right conservatives (which the GOP is now nominated by) it is not government's place to fund the arts. Getting rid of the NEA etc. has nothing to do with money. It has all to do with the purpose of government.
  10. It is clear to me that the far right extremists have found the perfect patsy for their goals. He is the perfect mix of hubris and stupidity. And will eventually become a scapegoat when all of this goes to shit.
  11. KevinG


    ...is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you
  12. As much as I agree, I think Maddow really hurt the cause. What she showed last night was essentially nothing. In fact if it did anything it helped Trump. His supporters can point to this and say see, he paid taxes, etc. Also they can point to an over zealous media who is trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. The biggest problem is the Right is correct. Maddow hyped this like it was a huge deal, it simply wasn't. A reporter such as her should have known as much. I am not sure if MSNBC pushed the hype or she did on her own accord, but she looked foolish last night. I have sa
  13. Interesting notion I saw on twitter, Trump leaked these himself, in order to distract from TrumpCare, Comey, etc.
  14. Well this is pretty much a non story. It is 2 pages of a personal tax return from 12 years ago. This shows nothing nor answers any questions we have. The rest of the show is nothing more then speculation. A ratings grab, ugh. Rachel Maddow, you are better than this
  15. This should not be a surprise. Any criticism of the Administration (media, people, government organizations / officials) have been summarily dismissed as losers, fake, or whatnot. The only thing the Administration wants us to trust is them or their approved mouth pieces. This is the key. Now, most Americans understand this game the Administration is playing. However there are enough people out there that will blindly take what the Administration is giving them, which then plants the seed of doubt and frames the debate about the organization (in this case the CBO) and not the actual con
  16. One of the worst things we ever did as a civilization thousands of years ago was the decision to make health care a for profit industry
  17. wonder what it will be called in 2018. We were all told that ACA (Obamacare) was shit and most of America believed it. So why shouldn't we believe it when they tell us it is the greatest.
  18. Nothing will come of this accept people have forgotten about Sessions. This is the real plan.
  19. Heard Hannity the other day going off on Democrats for pushing this (and other Trump related things), saying things we like know Hillary was guilt of this (most of it was either all half truths or complete BS), that and the other and the media did nothing (which is not true). And the Sessions thing was just a political witch hunt in which there is nothing there, etc and the media is freaking out about it. Again the main stream media is out to get republicans (which is complete BS) Is is funny now that the shoe is on the other foot. Listen, the Republicans, Trump etc. had to know that the
  20. I doubt it. What the administration has skillfully done has marked any information that comes out against the President as fake and not to be trusted. This is not for the whole of America, but to the President's supporters (including those in the GOP). So a story comes out, it is not trusted by a majority of the electorate and people and in power therefore it is ignored or ridiculed by the supporters. So for the next 48-72 hours this will be a big deal. The Sunday shows will be all a buzz about this. Come Monday, it will vanish. Anything this President does will not have the sticking
  21. Ugh, that speech last night was frightening. Not that what the President said was scary or his policies were scary (they really are BTW). But it was in the manner in which he said it. For the first time in nearly two years he sounded more presidential, more like a politician. It is almost like he read all of the criticisms and then said here you go, see I am not a bad guy (ie speaking out against the Antisemitism, recent shootings, etc.) It was kinda like when your wife says you don't bring me flowers and then the next day you go out and buy flowers. It is not cause you wanted to, it is
  22. Any guesses on the President's big speech tonight?
  23. I don't think so. Not to say by not making for of the President at the WHCD will make people love the media again, but it could begin something. Eventually The President's policies will begin affecting the Americans who voted for him in very real ways. FoxNews, Brietbart, weird Right Wing Blogs are not going to tell this story. The media needs to begin regain the trust of all Americans. This can happen, it is not going to be easy, it is not going to be fun, but it has to be done.
  24. So, was talking to a friend today about The President's choice to sit out of the White House Correspondent's Dinner (WHCD). I came the conclusion that many who dislike The President are looking at the WHCD as a way for the press and others to just eviscerate the President, make jokes and basically rip on him for the complete D-bag that he is. Personally I think this is the wrong way of going about it. Already a large swath of the American People look at the media with scorn and contempt. To spend a night ripping on The President with him not in attendance is truly bad form and would fur
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