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Everything posted by KevinG

  1. "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and I wouldn't lose voters." be impeached. - President Donald J Trump.
  2. This thing may have absolutely nothing to do with Russia, or my theory that it is done to distract from Healthcare. It may be Comey was fired because he is a thin skinned narcissist. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/11/us/politics/trump-comey-showboat-fbi.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=0 Occam's Razor and all.
  3. That is encouraging, but what is needed to defeat the House Bill and the eventual garbage that will come out of the Senate is a large ground swell of people. I just worry it will be forgotten about. Russian spies are just much ore interesting.
  4. I guess it is all about you then. And if they feel the same way about healthcare, they probably feel the same way about teh FBI, Russia etc. I can tell you probably 51 don't feel the same way you do. I would bet in a months time there will be nothing done on the Russia thing and a we will have a horrible, horrible horrible healthcare law out there. This Russia thing is just making it easier to slip it through.
  5. No. It is important to call your rep and say things like, "as you are writing this bill make sure you include provisions for pre-existing conditions, etc." Frankly, now is the time to try influence your senator to change the bill, rather than wait until there is a bill out there. Most of the Republican senators will vote for the bill no matter what is in it. So why not try to change their mind before it is written. And if they pull the same shit they did in the house there will be very little time between an official bill and the call for a vote. By the time there is a bill out there it
  6. well, not really. There was a pretty big ground swell and organization to call your senator to stop this. If a rep held a town hall they got lambasted. This was big news, now it is all but faded. I am sure it will get more attention once the CBO score comes out and the vote is ushered through, but for the time being it really has killed the momentum of the opposition. It is not that I think that the Russian thing is not important, but I believe there has been enough doubt thrown in and they can say, there is no ties, etc. and the people can call, protest all they want and nothing will be
  7. As always with Trump you need to pay attention to the other hand, especially when a big story like this breaks. Everyone should notice that no one is talking about the Healthcare bill. Which makes me think this either 1) there really is no Trump Russia ties or 2) there is and Trump has made a deal with the GOP majority that they won't investigate further. This whole thing is gonna make it easier for them to get the horrible, horrible health care bill passed.
  8. I don't know why I am surprised but the way this bill is being rammed though congress is just baffling. One of the big complaints when ACA came out is that no one knew what was in it (which wasn't true). But with this, we can actually point to the fact that there just wasn't enough time to understand this bill. No CBO score, nothing. The GOP is a joke of a party. Lead by petty petulant people. Fuck.
  9. From what I read it is worse and it will probably pass. Though no one knows what it actually is in it. So much for the promise to have the bill available for 3 days.
  10. It is truly amazing how every day this man proves himself to be utter incompetent for the job and his supporters still blindly follow him. I heard the other on Rush, how it was ok for the President to have completely changed his position on things because he as a business man listens to good people and changed because of the facts. It was truly madding.
  11. Anyone watch the American Gods premier last night?
  12. When have academia and proven data ever meant anything. He is cutting taxes, who cares what it will do, or the fact how little of a tax cut the middle class will get. The words "Tax Cut" are all that matter.
  13. Kishi Bashi tonight at the Jefferson in Charlottesville VA! Makes the work trip worth it.
  14. I just watched some clips of My Family, the sitcom Kris was in awhile back. Man, I forgot how truly awful British sitcoms are.
  15. Most importantly what was the length of Billy's hair? My brother and I have a theory, the longer Billy Corgan's hair the better music he makes. Also the inverse of the Sean Connery rule. Gish - Shoulder length, awesome album Siamese Dream - mop top - great album Mellon Collie - shorter yet - ok album Any album where Billy Corgan is bald, fucking terrible. BTW, I did listen to the album on the link. I like it. I have moppish hair right now. So I am to be trusted.
  16. This seemed to be more of a soft reboot of the show. I read a review that likened it more to the first Nu-Who episode "Rose." Which is pretty fair in my estimation. Anytime they introduce a new companion it makes it fresh again. Also I am glad that there is no over arching mystery around Bill (as of yet), after Amy and Clara it would just be tiresome. The Sun is reporting it is this guy: https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/3339851/new-doctor-who-revealed-as-kris-marshall-takes-over-from-peter-capaldi-and-has-already-joined-the-cast/ So, it looks like after an old white gu
  17. What I am worried about after this and the other military action the President has taken is the response form the media. For the most part they have fawned over him and said it has made him look presidential. Basically given him praise. If there is one thing that I am sure of about our President is that he is driven by his ego, above everything else. He loves praise, he loves being the best, etc. Using military force gives him the ego boost he so desperately craves. So now anytime he is down or something isn't going right he will use military force and with AUMF he can go in an attack an
  18. The big story is the President is actually fulfilling a campaign promise, instead of doing the complete opposite.
  19. So I guess to be seen as presidential one just has to bomb the shit out of something.
  20. One of those was the Cubs (1907 and 1908)
  21. Kept thinking about starting one, but I got too lazy. If anything has taught me in the last couple of years it is time to make completely inaccurate predictions. National League East: Washington Nationals New York Mets (WC) Atlanta Braves Marlins Phillies Central: Chicago Cubs Pirates Cards Brewers Reds West: Dodgers Giants (WC) Diamondbacks Rockies Padres American League East: Red Sox Blue Jays Oriels Yankees Rays Central Indians Royals (WC) Tigers Twins White Sox West Rangers Mariners (WC) Astros A's Angles Playoffs NLWC: Mets over Giants NLDS: Cubs over Mets NLDS: Nat
  22. It honestly is a shame. As much as I disagreed with their opinions I did value their input. Often times we get to insular and become an echo chamber of our own ideas. But on the flip side I would also like to hear from those supporters, what is the president doing right? Do they see the same issues as the rest of do? What about the Dems? Are they at all justified. And what I am most sad about is the loss of Hixter, whom I butted heads with on numerous occasions. If memories serves he was very anti-Russia and saw them as a huge problem. I really wonder if he sees the administration'
  23. Oh my God this administration. Just recently, the President defends Bill O'Riley, accuses Susan Rice of criminal activity (with no evidence), and blames Obama for the Syrian chemical attack. All the while, Gorsuch fight is looming, The President's approval numbers are in the tank, nearly every major intitative taken up has failed and the specter of Russia is ever growing. I know there are some people on this board, who do or did support the President and voted for him. Where are they now? What do they think now. What a freaking mess.
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