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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. seems scary... so many people, traffic, goofnuts, etc.
  2. agreed... I can't believe anyone would consider heading down there. History or not.
  3. Maybe I'm an idiot but I don't understand why lines are long. Is it purely a case of voter turnout being higher than normal? I figured with so many people electing to vote early, lines would be shorter. In the past, I have never had to wait. I drove right past my voting center this morning at 6:15. It was so crowded, I elected to wait until this evening.
  4. The part that really seems to get overlooked by many on the right is how the "tax increases" are rolled out. There is a tax cut proposed for those under $250k and it is really quite similar to today's standards until you get north of $600k. So there is a tax decrease for most people in the country. Further, cutting taxes would be fiscally irresponsible based on the deficit that Bush and company ran up like drunken sailors. I agree with Jude, and most, that wasteful spending needs to be carefully analyzed and brought down. We may all disagree on which programs get funded etc. but we al
  5. That was a recurring character as well. I know I've seen it at least once before. Yes, pretty funny. SNL has a long history of turning anything that gets a good laugh into a recurring character. I don't share the same love for Wiig. I find her act to be a bit thin and repetitive with some overlap between characters. She definitely has some funny moments but if SNL is looking to move her towards the 'go-to' ensemble member, it's going to be tough. I prefer Amy Poehler and I know she's leaving.
  6. That is sad news. The Descendents were one of the first good bands I got into in high school. RIP
  7. She's an idiot. She's like a giggly high schooler.
  8. I'll have to try and check "whiskey glass eye" out.
  9. No, her plans at this point are to be a Doctor and a Mom. She wants to play the violin and piano on the side. She has been playing the piano for a few years. Although decent, she is not on the prodigy path at this point. Her brother started piano this year and is close to surpassing her. Either way, I know that this stuff is good for them so I'm all over it. My kids do have, what I consider, to be superior taste in music. A neighbor was over the other day and asked if she wanted to go see High School Musical 3. She said 'no thanks'. It was a proud moment.
  10. thanks much! I will check this out today. However, now I'm more worried because I should have had her start at age 3. She is now destined to be a huge failure. Thanks all for the suggestions.
  11. I do have that one and like it quite a bit. I think I'm looking more for classical options. I've found a few, and a couple in this thread. Any must have classical suites?
  12. oh yea, absolutely. Some great suggestions in here but I'll take their advice. I'm not looking for anything experimental or anything. I happen to like that stuff but I'm looking for something that she will like and I can more than tolerate. Classical? She was interested when Yo-Yo Ma came on Colbert recently as she has heard of him but didn't care for the song that they played and the violinist kept giggling. thanks everyone
  13. love this... I can't wait for a new one from these guys.
  14. Maybe they thought they went as far as they could with the name "Slobberbone". The Drams is a far better name.
  15. I liked them quite a bit. Had the pleasure of hanging out and partying with them one night when they opened for someone (Bottle Rockets?). Great guys. Most of them are now in The Drams which made a pretty good album last year.
  16. I hadn't even thought of that one. I have that.
  17. My daughter is taking violin lessons and takes a real interest when I play the very limited amount of violin/orchestral music that I have in my library. Andrew Bird comes to mind but I'm not sure which would feature the violin primarily. Also, classical orchestral would be of interest. She's 9 and not good but definitely something I want to support. Any recommendations?
  18. yea, i hate to pile on but I saw him at Schubas once and he was boring on top of acting like an asshole. I am actually somewhat sensitive to people talking during a show in an intimate venue. He was way over the top with his contempt. The crowd really wasn't all that bad.
  19. She doesn't seem to understand your "style".
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