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Everything posted by davidtobin100

  1. I'm still on the fence. It's $340 including shipping for me. I'm a bit slow to drop that much on a distortion pedal. You can't totally judge tone via crappy YouTube audio but it did seem like a nice pedal but definitely overpriced for what it is. I do have quite a few top end pedals on my own gigging board (Strymon Timeline probably being the most expensive) but I know if I do end up buying this it's for the name printed on it.
  2. Any word on whether or not the Solid sound shows will be up on the Roadcase to buy? It'd be a great way for those of us unable to get to the show to listen in.
  3. @Analogman: Do you have any recommendations for the best sounding recordings of the Chicago tour that Wilco just released the ebook about? Thanks!
  4. Listened to it quite a bit and not too pushed on Jeff's song either. Solid and unspectacular I'm afraid. I'ld also love a Waffles invite if they're going. Been trying to get one for a while now and would really appreciate it.
  5. Great gig. Really enjoyed hearing so much of the new album. Looking forward to hearing the recording, even if there are gaps, etc.
  6. Love that! Good to see another fan who saw that show. Did you know that "Burt" is a Sky Sports presenter? He posts on these boards every now and then. Met him at the show with his wife - lovely guy. Have the show on CD for the car trip on the way up. Hoping for a lot of the new album.
  7. Docket Chuck: Like the Summerteeth suggestions. Strong contenders. Plumplechook: Great Youtube link - as you said very very cheesy.
  8. Wow! Some great suggestions there. One True Vine is a very strong contender. Please Be Patient With Me would also be a pretty good one. Some great suggestions here. Think I'll do a mix CD of all these and leave herself pick one. Thanks guys!
  9. Hey guys, Getting married early next year and am currently putting together a CD of music for the guy doing the DVD. Would love to put a Wilco song on there. Any suggestions? PS: I tried to convince her to use Via Chicago or Bull Black Nova. Didn't go well.....
  10. Hey guys - would love a PM with the track. No way for me to get this otherwise.
  11. I sent out DVDs with the files to four people on the board. Not going to do another set as I'm up the walls at the minute but hopefully someone I've sent it to could pass you on a copy?
  12. Used the Ask and Record Toolbar to grab myself a copy of the stream. Don't feel bad about it as I bought an album pre-order pack from the wilco store and a ticket for their Dublin date on the same week.
  13. Sad news to hear of Jay's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
  14. I use a converter plugin for Realplayer. It just outputs them as wav files. Pretty sure I got the tip from owlandbear or the downloads sticky at the top of this forum.
  15. I know Peter Gabriel does it for all his concerts. He charges a very high price if I remember correctly. You can order any gig on the tour or the whole tour in a big set. Pretty cool but crazy expensive. Personally I think online distribution is the way to go for these. Maybe CDRs of the previous show in the city could be sold at the next show in that city? It would be a pretty cool keepsake of the gig in the same way the posters are.
  16. What date is that show? Might give it a spin.
  17. Handshake Drugs One Wing Everlasting Everything Very different from last week's top 3, but damn that new album is good!
  18. I find I know what I'm getting with the Wilco streams though. It can be hit and miss with tapers - some are excellent and some are not. That said Wilco seems to have a better standard of taper than most. The other side of the coin might be if they were charging for them they might spend more time on mixing and mastering after the show. Iron and Wine do this for a lot of their shows and it sounds great. They sell theirs at www.playedlastnight.com
  19. Yea, didn't mean it as a knock. Fingers crossed he'll come out with something I can genuinely get excited about. He was involved in a number of my favourite albums after all.
  20. You hit Bennett on the head there. Great in collaboration but anything on his own has been pretty poor to my ears anyway. I think he was a great foil to Jeff when he was in the band but I think Jeff has outgrown needing a Bennett/Farrar-type sounding board. If you take Nels away from Wilco however he is producing great work on his own, something that Bennett has never been able to achieve.
  21. Does anyone else get the impression that the new members page that has been set up for us to get the Ashes audio and the 930 show amongst other bits and pieces might be used to sell us content that is not free? Currently all of the "subscriptions" are free but I'ld love for them to sell us high-quality downloadable versions of the shows they stream through the Roadcase section. There could even be member's only premium content like tour EPs or the like. It would be a good idea for the band to get more cash trickling in during the between album periods. Anyone have an opinion whether they t
  22. I think the sound is progressing and melding in better on the new album. Hopefully Nels is here to stay. He's given a different dimension to the older songs live and doesn't seem to be standing out as much on the new album as on SBS. People here were complaining that he was taking over with his solos and needed to meld into the band more. Now he's done that on W(TA) and still the haters aren't happy.
  23. Great week to be a Wilco fan. I'm happy to say that every new Wilco album has been better than the last and the new one is no exception. Well done guys.
  24. And does he realise that Bennett was gone by then? Tweedy developed that soloing sound on AGIB and Nels was a great choice to fit into that style while progressing it himself as well. Nels is as important and as successful an addition to the band as Kotche was in my opinion.
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