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    I Am Trying to Break Your Heart

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  1. @sleapman Maybe both? The ghosty kickoff sounds familiar. I also have a vague memory of someone in a devil getup for the encore/DFTR. The costume would also vibe nicely with Hell Is Chrome, though they played that fairly early in the set. Man, I loved the Ghost Is Born tour.... Wilco's Reaper has become a staple of our family's Halloween mix, both the 10-31-04 version and the one from the SSF all covers show (which we didn't attend due to our son having been born that morning). Happy Halloween, VCers!
  2. As always, thanks for the report @bböp. It was a treat to see the new material in an intimate and venerable venue. I got aced out on the initial on-sale but lucked into a ticket yesterday when Metro released a few more. A Halloween miracle! A few scattered thoughts: I loved hearing the Cousin songs live. Feels like the band leads into the garagier and more experimental aspects of the album on stage. Now that Cruel Country is no longer the most recent Wilco record, it's fun to see how those songs fold into the set and add some swagger and twang. (I will now b
  3. As always, thanks for the excellent reportage, Paul. I was fortunate to make it to nights two and three. Things I particularly loved: -- The opening one-two punch from AGIB and the healthy Sky Blue Sky representation. -- The different direction on Laminated Cat. "Primal" suits it perfectly, and the new direction really highlights what a shape-shifter that song is, lending itself to a range of renditions from wistful solo acoustic to trippy, spacey psychedelic to fuzzed-out garage rock. -- Nels' work on Impossible Germany, where he mixed up his reliably incendiary solo wit
  4. I don't think I'll be able to get to the line before 12:30, which I imagine may be too late. If anyone's in line, would you mind reporting how things look on the ground? Thanks and good luck, everyone!
  5. Given the social media post, my hunch is that it'd be a venue that could accommodate more than a small crowd? Perhaps that's wishful thinking. But what would we be without it. We just moved back to the area after 18 years away (and first date was to the first Otto's show in 2004) so it'd be such a treat to catch the guys for a surprise gig.
  6. Finally got to see Pavement last night. They're in top form and it was a joyful performance and pumped-up crowd. Seems like they're changing up the setlists night to night while keeping the popular favorites in the set every night.
  7. Just moved back to the Chicago area after 19 years in NYC. Think we'll get an all-band Chicago show before the end of the year? Or maybe a Winterlude in '23? Here's hoping . . .
  8. I've seen John sing "It's Just That Simple" a handful of times -- always lovely to see him get that showcase -- but couldn't recall Jeff playing bass those other times. Is that the usual swap for that song?
  9. Michelle Zauner singing Jesus, Etc . . . was definitely a highlight for me. I'd been hoping this would happen, given the fact that she performed the song with Wilco at their ACL HOF induction. Still such a thrill to see her put her spin on a song I always love hearing live. And knowing the mutual appreciation between JB and Wilco made for a lovely connection between their sets, most obviously with Nels' solo and Michelle Z's expression of love for Wilco's music.
  10. I wonder if Memorial Day weekend will become the new standard for Solid Sound. Anyone have a sense, or know why it moved from late June? Sunday certainly seemed to benefit from the holiday weekend -- it was much more crowded than I can remember in previous years -- clearly a win for the vendors and performers and the festival as a whole. I always loved late June -- and selfishly the trip is easier to make with school schedules and things. But I'll take a weekend in North Adams whenever Wilco can make it happen and whenever it's best for the town and the museum. And unless I mishear
  11. Thanks for the excellent reportage as always, @bböp. I'll echo that Cruel Country live really gives Pat a chance to shine. We were a few people off the rail directly in front of Pat, and you could feel the joy and affection he was putting into those licks and solos. He just seemed to be basking in the music and the appreciative crowd, and it was lovely to see. And a notable contrast from the last time I'd been able to see Wilco, at the Ode to Joy NYC shows in October of 2019. (Side note: I also caught Pat's conversation about his Noticings exhibit and he was reflective and warm and funny in sp
  12. Excited to see that the daily lineup has been posted! I'm hoping Neko Case will do a pop-up in one of the galleries. This'll be our 4th SS -- any advice on staying informed about pop-ups? IIRC, last time the app offered real-time notifications. And maybe some VCers will share intel on this board? Counting down!
  13. I'm a regular booster for Japanese Breakfast on this board, and Jubilee is one of my favorite albums of the past couple years. Michelle Zauner has talked about the influence of SummerTeeth in particular on the sound of that record and on her life -- she walked down the aisle to She's a Jar of all songs. Jeff covered the song Kokomo, IN on a Tweedy Show ep. Here's the original: While it's hard to isolate a highlight or two from an album I love from start to finish, Be Sweet offers a rollicking bass line and a funky counterpoint to the more contemplative sound of Kok
  14. I was lucky to catch JB's tour opener last summer in Silver Spring and have been so eager to see them again. They give an electrifying, generous, inspiring performance. And based on the Wilco-JB mutual admiration, and Michelle's appearance with Wilco at their ACL celebration, it seems likely that they'll share the stage for a song or two at some point over the weekend, if schedules allow. I love Solid Sound's reliable mixture of bands I know and love and ones that I'm encountering for the first time. I wonder what fresh spin they'll put on the Friday night show? Though just to have
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